a dance with the stars (act I)

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As a highschool third-year, there were two things that caught her attention.

Firstly, it was her Stand. There was a lot about it that she couldn't control, even though she tried her best.

Second off, Noriaki Kakyoin.

It wasn't his looks that caught her attention (it easily could've been), but it was his energy, and the way he held himself. His greatest weapon was more his intelligence than his strength, and that created her attraction towards him.

They also had some kind of similar energy of which they were both fully aware of.


That morning was when everything changed.

"Kakyoin, Napier, you will have the hidden history project."

Hidden history was the easiest topic they could've been assigned. The intelligence and creativity of Kakyoin as well as the strength Asa had as a researcher made it that much easier for them to get the project done.

They were always some kind of 'close' in school when they weren't getting paired together for projects. She could tell the look of nervousness on his face when it first happened and how close he was to asking to work alone.

It was when she sat down next to him, held out her hand, and said "Call me Asa," that he knew there would be no need for that.

Ever since then, the teachers would purposefully put them together since they were such a viable pair. And again, here they are now, sitting side to side in a classroom full of people. It was some chance.

"Did you want to get some of this done today?" Kakyoin asked, pursing his lips.

"Yeah... but could we go somewhere else? I'm getting sick of this uniform."

He cocked an eyebrow in confusion, but went along with it anyway. "Sure. We could do some at the café, and then maybe-"

"Or we could just go to my house," she suggested, "My mom should be home and she knows how to do these kinds of things if we need any help." She picked up her bag from her chair, which matched the same black as the tie around her neck.


After school, she waited on the side of the building for Kakyoin to finish doing... whatever he'd been doing.

A couple people passed by, including some guys that stared at her, Jotaro Kujo, and the girls that followed him. The girls did happen to ask what direction he went and she pointed the opposite way. Not because she didn't want him to get bothered, but because it was funny to watch them scramble for a boy who uses his loud voice to shoo them away.

Out of curiosity, she decided to go look and see how far they'd actually gotten in their attempts to try to catch up with him. Instead, she was met with Kakyoin.


Asa Napier.

She's an average, but muscular girl whose father was originally from Morocco. Genetic mutations gave her the white hair and blue eyes that differs both her biological parents. She resembled more of her father with her dark skin, but other feminine features were taken over by her mother. Her hair was curly and on the line of being thick. It was short, and reached just past her neck.

Being a Stand user was where the secondary mutations came into play. Certain parts of her brain were weaker, which caused her Stand to completely go out of control almost every time she tried to use some abilities. It made her lose confidence with any kind of training that she's done, and like that, she gave up. It still hurt that she was not able to resolve the mysteries of something she wanted so badly.

𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖; 𝕝𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 | 𝚓𝚓𝚋𝚊Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora