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Is it a vision or actual truth this time?
I woke up in the cool ground where I was lying on the ground.

As if it were all true, cold breezes were pounding my body. The darkness seemed wonderfully motivated, and I felt like I had a long-ago connection with it. It was as if I'd been here before.

I'd never been to this place before, but it felt familiar. All I could hear was smooth and chilly grass, the naturally lovely symphony of trees swaying in the serene night, and a whimpering female voice.

She was in tears. I couldn't see her, but I sensed agony, possibly the same pain she was experiencing.

And all of a sudden, my attention was drawn to a rock tunnel with an entrance, and without hesitation, I started to move toward that.

As I got closer, the wailing became louder and louder; it sounded like she was yelling for help, as if someone had hit her, and I could smell new blood.

I began to walk faster, and then I noticed a female figure in front of me. She was dressed in a white gown, but it had turned red due to the blood, which had dried up in some places.

I didn't know what to do, so I continued to move towards her. I got close enough to call her, but she abruptly turned her face towards me, sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't move; I wanted to run but couldn't; it was as if I was trapped in that spot.

I tried everything I could think of but couldn't move a finger. All I could do was close my eyes, which were already shut.

Because of so many hair strands and blood on her face, it was difficult to see her face, and then the temperature began to drop, going from warm to cold, and my fingers were stiff.

And then I realised why she couldn't move: she was chained. However, she was strangely covered in fresh and dry leaves. She acted as if she were a tree.

And then, all of a sudden, both of our gazes were drawn to the entryway, and we both gazed at each other as if we knew each other.

I noticed a strange black smoke covering the entire entrance, and as the black smoke attempted to enter, the temperature dropped from cold to the coldest it had ever been, and the black smoke was unable to do so. It was as if someone had been stopped for some reason.

And as soon as I turned my gaze towards the lady in the white gown, she was already gazing at me and was inches from from my face, all went black and darkness swallowed me up.

I awoke in my room, breathing rapidly, as if I had just awoken from a coma. I couldn't even feel my body. I managed to get out of bed, but tripped to the ground, making a loud thud sound because I couldn't even stand properly.

With a loud bang, the doors to my room opened, and my mother arrived.

"What happened Emily, you were screaming like you saw a beast or something like that,"

she said angrily, and I realised what I'd done. I repeated it all in my sleep, screaming like I'd seen a monster or something like that.

She was standing in front of me, her gaze landing on me.

"Are you okay, Emily honey?" she inquired.

"Yeah, I'm alright mum, it was just another nightmare," I said, my voice trembling.

She walked out of my room after assisting me in getting back into my bed.

Weekends morning brings a joy that we sometimes can't explain. However, my weekend morning tells a different story; each weekend takes me to a new flashback.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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