Drunken Confessions (Austin North)

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Austin tried to keep a serious face when his girlfriend of seven years came stumbling into their shared apartment. It was an unusually cool October Friday night, or rather Saturday morning, and Ellie had just arrived home from "girls night" with Madelyn, Bailey, and Elaine. He couldn't help but wonder if his friends were dealing with the same thing, or if it was just his girlfriend who could barely stand up.

"Well it looks like someone had fun tonight" he murmured as he wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to help her stand up straight. "I'd say let's go to bed right now, but I think I need to get some water in you."

"Noooo. I wanna go to bed" her voice came out as more of a whine than anything. He held back a laugh as he sat her down on the couch, watching as she sank down into the plush cushions. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass, filling it with water and silently grabbing two advil before walking over to her.

"I'll make you a deal, pretty girl, take these and drink all of the water and then we can go to bed, okay?" He told her, handing her both the cup and the medicine and watching as she downed them.

"Bed now?" She asked, looking up at him those same green eyes he'd fallen in love with, clearly on the verge of falling asleep. He smiled, nodding his head as he helped her up and walked her to the bedroom, helping her change her clothes and sitting her on her side of the bed.

"Stay right here. I'm gonna take your makeup off." He told her before walking into the bathroom and grabbing her makeup wipes. It was the first time he'd had to take his drunk girlfriend's makeup off in the five years they'd lived together. Deep down, he knew that most men would be complaining about taking care of their drunk significant other, but to him it meant that she'd had fun with the girls, and after the last couple of months, she'd needed that.

He padded back across the hall to the bedroom and again tried not to laugh as he wiped her makeup off and she pulled a face at him. Finally, he moved the blankets and got her properly in bed before removing his own shirt and crawling in beside her, moving to wrap his arms around her. He couldn't help but smile as she scooted closer to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you for taking care of me, baby" she told him.

"You know I'll always take care of you." he mumbled, face squished into his pillow. "Until the end of time baby." A soft kiss was pressed against his jaw as she hummed in response.

"Austin, can I tell you a secret?" Her voice was low. He just hummed in response, starting to feel sleep take over him. "I want a baby." If Austin was asleep in any form, he was awake now. He could feel the panic form in his stomach. They were barely twenty-five, were they even ready for that? A million thoughts rushed through his head as he processed the four words she'd just said.

"Hmm, we have a baby. He's about 45 pounds right now, black, chews on shoes" he gestures vaguely towards the side of the room where their black lab mix, Cruz, was asleep in his bed with his head hanging out on the hardwood floor.

"No, I mean a human baby." She told him, continuing to kiss his jaw. She knew she wasn't going to get anything out of him tonight, it was an unspoken rule they had. 'No sex if one of us is drunk'.

"That sounds complicated. They don't sell those in stores, Ellie." He mumbled.l "and besides, I brought it up two years ago when we had the scare and you said you wanted to be married before we had a baby."

"I know what I said, but I know what I want, now." She told him, again practically whining. "And that's a baby, with you. A tiny human that's half of me, half of you and don't you dare try to pull that "kids don't like me" bullshit. I've seen you with your nephew. Your eyes light up when you see him."

"I think it's time to go to sleep, Ellie." He told her.

"I want a baby" she told him again, like he hadn't heard her the first two times she'd said it.

"I know, Eleanor, I know. But let's go to sleep now." He was trying not to laugh. A pout sat on her lips as she looked at him.

"But I want a baby." Her voice was soft, but still had a touch of a whine to it.

"Eleanor Renee, I will gladly give you a baby but you have to be coherent for that. So we can talk about it tomorrow, but please, go to sleep" He moved to place his lips on hers, pouting when she turned her head away from him.

"You promise?" Her green eyes looking up at him.

"I promise" he chuckled,

She pressed her lips against his quickly moved to turn her back to him, pressing herself as closely to him as she could. "Love you"

"I love you too." and then, she was asleep.

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