first day of SKOOL amiright GENZERS *cackles, loses spine to back issues*

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i took my SHINING glossy ORBS then placed them into my pocket, then I put glasses on my eyes (U THOUGHT I MEANT I PUT MY EYES ON MY POCKETS HUH GODDAMN IDIOT)jk

then I took my OVERSIZED hoodie cus I cant afford a gosh darn free fitting room <3

then I walked in my bikes because HEELS are for girls *flips hair then sasheys away*

then I was bully by JESSICA with her ugly ugh ugh omg but grassy-pooh stood up for me :pleading:

*this is how the fantasy I mean uhh real life situation went*

jessica: bad bad nikes grrrrrrrrrr u HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM GRASS he's mine omg why would he even like u *punches with eyelash*

y/n: cries

grass: hey wssp bby grill I'm here to defend you *defend*

jessica wessica: *becomes irrelevant*

grass x y/n x yandere waterballoons (YES THIS IS FOR YOU UGH)Where stories live. Discover now