The Dark Sea

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Luffy lies down on the nose of the sheep at the front of the Marry. He looks at the waves below him that show no mercy to people like him who have eaten a devil fruit. Luffy yawns and closes his eyes as the warmth of the sun hits him. "Luffy get off of there! You're gonna fall and nobody is gonna jump in after you if you do!" Nami yelled to Luffy. Luffy hummed in response, not listening to anything she just said. Nami already had given up, knowing that he's not gonna budge.

The door to inside of the ship flung open. Sanji walked out the door a couple steps before stopping. "Lunch is ready!" Sanji shouted, then lit his cigarette. Luffy was the first to get up, but as he got up his foot slipped. Luffy fell backwards and stretched his arms out to grab anything near him.

He caught the railing of the ship just in time and pulled himself back on the ship. Luffy's back hit the ship's deck, making a loud thud. Luffy lied there, breathing hard and wide eyed. "I told you." Nami scolded him. "Dumbass, get in here and eat." Sanji said while rolling his eyes and went inside. He got up and fake laughed, trying to dismiss that he was actually shaking. "Food, here I come!" Luffy yelled. Food was something that would make the captain feel better about almost drowning. He looked over at Zoro. Zoro was staring at him with a weird look in his eyes. Luffy didn't sit and think about it though. He ran into the ship and made his way to the kitchen.

Luffy sat down at the table and dug into some seasoned fish, shrimp, apples, and a huge bird that Luffy had caught and is only seen in the grand line. Everybody was joking around, throwing food, and talking. Sanji was scolding Ussop for wasting food by throwing it. Luffy looked over the table at Zoro, who was listening to conversations while he ate. Why was he looking at me weirdly earlier, I've never seen that look in his eyes before. Zoro noticed someone was watching him and looked up from his plate. Luffy went back to eating before Zoro could notice he was staring.

Zoro got up from the table and walked over Luffy. "Meet me by the stern when you're done." Zoro hid any emotion in his voice and kept walking. Nobody at the table noticed because they were too busy fighting over if Robin and Nami get special treatment. Luffy stuffed some food in his mouth before walking out the kitchen. Luffy made his way to the stern and looked around for Zoro. Zoro was leaning against the railing of the ship, waiting for Luffy. Luffy walked over to him with a smile on his face.

"What'd you need?"

"You need to stop."

Luffy paused for a moment and his smile faltered.

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting like the sea doesn't bother you." Zoro's voice was low.

"It doesn't bother me."

Zoro's breathy fake laugh did not sit right with Luffy. Zoro looked Luffy in the eyes.

"Yeah, right."

"What do you even mean? I'm standing right next to the water and I'm not shaking in my sandals."

"That's not what I'm saying! Don't act dumb with me, Luffy!" Zoro's voice was threatening as he raised his voice. Luffy was growing irritated, which barely ever happened unless he's in a fight. Luffy was generally confused, he didn't know what Zoro was going on about. He knew Zoro wasn't good with words and emotions, so he calmed himself down to not a start fight. In Zoro's defense, Luffy was kind of dumb. Luffy stayed quiet and listened to what Zoro had to say.

"Earlier you almost fell in the water." Zoro started.


"And I saw the look on your face when you came back on the deck, not to mention all the other times when you DID go overboard."

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