Chapter One. "Raindrops"

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Drip. Drip. Drip.
The constant beat of the water droplets hit the window of the Manor. Faint talking from Joseph and Mary can be heard down the hall, their muffled laughs and jokes echoed throughout the dim lit rooms.

Drip. Drip. Drop.

   "Xie, The rain is no reason to be sulking. Please, get up already." The black guard mumbled, his voice annoyed. His eyes stared down at the other male lying on his stomach. Xie turned his head to the side, letting out a huff. "If you were me, you'd be sulking too." He said plainly, looking up at the darkly dressed male. Fan rolled his eyes, and turned the other way beginning to fumble with items on his dresser. The candle flame licked at the mirror, and the smell of old books, and dust was in the air. "Perhaps if rain wasn't so common near this manor, I wouldn't be in bed." Xie mumbled loudly enough for Fan to hear. "-And if I controlled the weather, I'd strike you with lightning." Fan said, looking over at Xie, letting out a chuckle. "You say that now, Fan." Xie sat up, smiling. "Since you are in a better mood, come help me dust off these books." Fan said, his hand going over an old diary-like book, with a leather body. As Xie began to get up, he looked out the window. The rain only seemed to be getting rougher. He seemed to space out as he was brought back to the dock. The feeling of water to his ankles, like sharp needles pierced his legs.
"Xie, hurry up. These books won't dust themselves off." Fan said, looking over at the white guard. "Xie?" He mumbled, searching the others eyes, as Xie slowly came back to his senses. "Ah, right. Sorry." Xie said, giving a small nod as he walked over to the dresser. Xie took one of the books, flipping open on of the pages. Scribbled words covered the pages, and smudged ink and tears seemed to dance over the words. He could make out one word, 雨, meaning rain. He flipped the next page, a scribbled umbrella and a rope drawing. The pages were stiff, like water had been split on the soft paper. He closed the book as a sharp pain in his side hit him. He clutched his side, and let out a small "ouch". Fan looked over, his eyes slowly drifting down Xie's body to where he clutched at his side. "Are you alright, Xie?" He muttered, concern beginning to overtake his eyes. "Yes, I am alright, Fan. Just a small pain." Xie said, his eyes looking back towards Fan. He let out a small sigh as the pain subsided. Fan went back to organizing the books, but made sure to take a glimpse at Xie every few moments.
Out in the Dining Hall.

"Oh dear, Mary. I don't think I've had a good laugh since Seer ran into the wall a few days ago." Joseph said, taking another graceful sip of his Wine. "Oh, poor, poor Eli." Mary said, smirking, as she took a sip from her glass as well. "The rain always seems so calming, don't you agree, Mary?" Joseph said, looking out of the window towards the garden. The colorful flowers covering the land was always perfect for photos. Mary nodded, her eyes also drifting towards the garden. She sighed, yawning. "The rain always made me so tired." She said, smiling. Joesph recalled the many good photos he had taken of the flowers. Emma Woods has always had a green thumb, He thought.

Chapter One. "Raindrops" fin. Next part soon.

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