My Love

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As I wake up I can hear the rain that's been on going for the last week."My love,wake up."I say

She doesn't respond and I say again

"My love, it's time to wake up."while giving her a kiss on the cheek and I expect to feel the warmth of her cheek with that kiss but all I feel is coldness.

"Mer" I say with my voice cracking while checking if she has a pulse.

I feel nothing, no pulse but my own

I start to cry but then I hear the voice that I love so saying

" Der honey ,wake up your talking in your sleep again."

And with those words I realize I'm dreaming and she still alive and I start to wake up

"Good morning Der. Did you have a good dream?" She asks in a soft tone

"Good morning my love, I did." I say not wanting to tell her the truth that I had the dream again .

"Are u sure? You kept saying" my love" over and over again "

"Im sure Mer "

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