A Lack of Confidence

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     Tears streamed down her face. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Her mind was clouded with overflowing thoughts. Would her friends like her outfit? Will she impress her crush? Most of all, would anyone notice the acne spotting her freckled face?

     Amelia was currently curled up in the corner of the room, worrying about everything. She worried about her personality, her appearance, and what people think of her. How is she supposed to get these thoughts out of her head in time to go to school? 

     Nowadays, teenagers worry about things they shouldn't have to. They worry about social status as young of an age as 10. There's no way around it. They're too consumed by their overwhelming thought process to allow themselves to love themselves. Amelia is an incredible example of this.

     She is popular in school and constantly fights to keep her position where it is by worrying about if she should curl her hair or if she put too much lip gloss on. There's no way to end the thought process that plagues her mind.

"Oh, you're going to ruin on your make-up that you worked so hard," An unfamiliar voice stated, but it was laced with kindness Amelia couldn't fathom.

"Who... Who are you?" She peered up, seemingly surprised to see a short yellow star staring at her with eyes filled to the brim with sympathy.

"Just call me Big Yellow." He patted her knee comfortingly. "Now, why would you be crying?"

"I guess, I'm just worried about what other people would think of me."

"Well, what are you worried about the most." He was patient, and she was grateful for that.

"My acne, I suppose. It's just so noticeable!"

"Is it noticeable? Or are you just overthinking this?" Not going to lie to herself, Amelia thought this odd star seemed quite understanding.

"Well... I don't really know I guess." She wiped a stray tear left on her cheek.

Big Yellow pulled out his phone, showing Amelia a picture of a girl around her age. "This is Marie. What do you think of her?"

"She's beautiful," Amelia breathed in awe.

"Is there anything wrong with her?"

"No. Not one thing."

"The thing is, she worries strongly about acne as well, but you didn't even notice, did you?" Amelia shook her head. "I want you to know that it doesn't matter if you have acne or not, you just have to be comfortable in your own body. And if it bothers you so much, you could always use Starface to help get rid of your acne." He handed Amelia a container of Starface.

"You know what? I don't think I need this at the moment. I think I'll be just fine." She smiled proudly and left the room ready to seize the day.

     Big Yellow watched as she walked into school with a kind smile on his face. He knew he had it in her, she just needed to dig deep. Now that she's confident in herself, She'll become an entirely better person. He couldn't be more proud.

A Lack of ConfidenceWhere stories live. Discover now