Part 1

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I stroke Kevin's hair as we lie together in his bed. He's taller than me but I don't mind, he's slender and tanned with black silky hair and deep brown eyes. He's cute and gay, my type of guy.

Tomorrow's his birthday and he plans to tell his family and our friends about his sexuality and about us. He feels ready now. I've kept it a secret on his wishes, the others already know that I'm bisexual so I have no explaining to do - except trying to help my boyfriend with the whole "I'm gay and I've been dating this dude you're all really close friends with for the past year" kinda thing. Honestly I have no idea why he didn't tell the others sooner, they're fine with homosexuality. No one I know is homophobic.

I continue to stroke his soft hair until he shifts his body slightly. "Are you okay?" I ask, looking down at him.
He nods against my chest, "Just thinking about what to say."
"They're not going to disown you," I say blankly.
He nods again, "Yeah but... I don't know what they'll do. What they'll say. How they'll act."
"It'll be fine. What do they think we do up here? Play video games?" I joke, trying to lighten his depressed mood.
"Well they don't think we do what we actually do."
"And what would that be?"
"Touch each other's butts," he laughs.
"Yeah... that's all," I tease, playfully rubbing my hand against his abs.

He nuzzles into my shirt and I wrap my arms around him. We stay like that until we fall asleep, our breathing slow and constant.


I wake up to the sound of footsteps. I push Kevin off of me, he grunts as I move to face the wall. The door opens and I look towards it. A skinny, tallish lady with the same tanned skin, black hair and brown eyes as Kevin stands in the doorway. "Hello Aleksandr," she greets politely. I nod and smile in response as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. "Kevin get up honey," she says, "It's your birthday, your friends will be here soon."

He stretches out his arms and cracks his neck, "Hey mum," he says groggily.
"I made pancakes," she says.
He yawns, "Thanks, I think I'll need them." She leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Instantly my mouth is sealed against her son's, my hands gripping his shirt, pulling him closer. He slips his arms around my waist whilst his tongue pushes between my lips, he explores my mouth as if he had never got the chance before this moment. We pull apart after a couple of minutes of being pressed against each other. "You need to shower," he chuckles, lightly kissing my jaw.
"So do you but go eat your pancakes first," I tease, running my hand down his - unfortunately covered - chest.

He gets out of the bed and leaves his room for the kitchen. I take one of his towels and the spare clothes I had brought with me and bring them into the bathroom. I quickly shower and dry myself before changing into clean clothes. I leave my old clothes and the used towel in his room before making my way downstairs to get breakfast.


It's about twelve when the others get here. First Jordan bringing Spencer, intern-Joe and Dan with him. Then it's artist-Joe, next is James alongside Seamus. Then Dex and lastly, to my surprise, Sly and Ze in a taxi. As soon as he's out Sly races up to me and hugs me, "It's been too long man!"

I laugh and he giggles that fucking 'golden giggle' of his. He lets go of me and does the same to all of the others. Ze stands slightly awkwardly as this goes on until Dan starts talking to him. He instantly goes along with it so everybody's now busy, whether it's with catching up or just talking. I pull Kevin into the lounge.

"Do you want to tell them right now or later?" I ask quietly.
"It would probably be better to tell them later, when they're all settled down."
"Okay," I agree, "You don't know what to say do you?" He shakes his head. "Just thank everyone for coming and then say you have an announcement and well... say it." He nods his head. I hate seeing him so nervous. I take his hand and try to comfort him, "It's going to be alright, they accepted me so why wouldn't they accept you?"
"Because they've known you longer," he mumbles.
"It doesn't matter, even if they don't like it about you, I've been single for the past few years for all they know, they'll be happy for me," I reassure.

He smiles and bends down to meet my lips with his. "Okay, never thought I'd see that," a voice says behind us. We break apart quickly and turn to face our friend.
"What? Thought you'd beat me to it," I ask sarcastically.
"Hey!" Seamus snaps, "Sarcasm's my thing."
"Don't mention it to the others," I plead.
"Why not?" he asks, raising his eyebrow.
"Because we were planning on saying later," Kevin replies shyly.
He nods, "If you don't I'll tell them."
"We're going to Seamus," I assure, "He's been worrying about it for weeks."
"You seemed on edge," he comments, turning and walking out of the room.

"Told you they wouldn't care," I tease.

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