1 - Practice (Creek)

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Inspired by a post by cherry.sleepover on ig 

(sorry for any errors, this was not proof read)

Tweek and Craig had been pretending to be dating for almost a month now, still working out the quirks in their plan for an epic stunt break up.

Tweek had wanted to have it done weeks ago, just to relieve the anxiety of acting in front of that many people. But Craig had insisted that they keep on pretending, so they can have time to perfectly script out their plan.

"Guys the new Hello Kitty Space Adventure game came out, does anyone wanna come over to my house to play?" Craig asked, nonchalantly. The rest of his gang huddling around the lockers along with Cartman's.
"No thanks dude, I'm not interested in your faggy hello kitty games," Cartman joked, looking around the room, " Besides, we all know this is just an excuse to swap spit with Tweekers all night" Cartman laughed and shoved Tweek Tweak into Craig, earning another "GAH" from Tweek.

"Yeah, what about it?" Craig smirked, wrapping his arm around Tweek, who was a shaking mess.
"Geez guys, get a room will you," Cartman continued snickering to himself and walked back to his locker.

"Well Tweeks, looks like its just you and me..." Craig batted his eyelashes flirtingly and chuckled to himself.
"C-Craig?" Tweek spat out, still nervously shaking.

"Yes, Honey?" Craig replied, a flirtatious look still plastered across his face.

"Y-you know we only have to p-pretend to be dating around people right?"

"I know, but it's just in case, I mean what if someone turns the corner right now? and sees us not being all lovey dovey? The jigg would be up."

Tweek thought it over for a split second and nodded uneasily, continuing to fidget with the hem of his shirt.
"So y-you still want me to come over to your-r house?"

"Yes, just so we can, uh, practice being a couple and stuff" Craig said, Internally punching his brain for letting himself act so fucking gay.

"Well alright then" Tweek spat out and shut his locker, shakily running down the hallway to his last period.

Craig sighed and hit his head softly against the locker, looking down at his feet.
He wasn't gay, was he?
He convinced himself he wasn't, after all, he started all of this so the girls at their school would stop shipping them together.
Craig opened his locker to grab his binder and saw the small pride flag pin setting in corner of the metal locker.

It was a "gift" one of the asian girls got Craig at the beginning of the year after all that fanart started circling the school.

Normally he would immediately throw it away, being tired of the false label being thrust upon him by the rest of school.
But this was different for some reason, he felt like he had to keep it.
Hell, he liked it.
Might've even considered putting it on the front pocket of his backpack, if it wasn't for Cartman's relentless bullying.

but he wasn't gay

No, of course he wasn't.

This was all part of the plan.

Craig took a deep breath and closed his locker, continuing down the hallway to his last block.

It's all part of the plan

. . . . . .

The bell rang for last period to end, and the hallways were immediately filled with South Park students making their way through to go home.

Craig waited by the main parking lot by his car, waiting for Tweek.

Craig often drove Tweek home, just as friends of course, craig saw it as a nice gesture to him.
Since they were friends.
And nothing more.

"Ready Tweekers?" Craig asked in a chipper tone, opening the passenger seat door for him. 

Tweek slid into the passenger side and grabbed the seat belt to put on, him missing the buckle multiple times due to how much he was shaking. 

"You good?" Craig asked, starting to pull out of the school driveway. 

The jittery blonde continued fidgeting with his hands and looked out the window, "I think s-so, I'm, I'm just thinking"

"Well thinking about what?"

"I just, GAH" Tweek was still fidgeting with his nails and had torn of some of the frayed skin by his index finger.  The blonde grabbed his finger and squeezed it in his right hand, sniffing softly at the pain.
 Craig looked over at the younger boy and lightly pushed his hands down, "It's okay honey, I can help put a bandage on it when we get home." He beamed slightly down at Tweek. 

"W-why are you calling me that outside of sch-hool gaH m" Tweek grumbled, still seething at the pain on his hand and continued looking out the window, tapping his foot. 
"Just a force of habit I guess" Craig blushed slightly and then kept his eyes on the road, not letting his mind wander too much. 

. . . . . .  

Back at Craig's house, He had successfully put a band aid on Tweek's now bleeding finger, while Tweek ranted the whole time about how he "could have gotten malaria or syphilis or aids-" It took a long while of comforting and Craig trying to explain to Tweek how bloodborne pathogens actually work for him to finally calm down a little bit. 

Now, they were on the floor of Craig's room, while the older boy was skimming through the e-store for Hello Kitty Space Adventure. 

"Y-Y'know I've been thinking about s-school," Tweek stuttered out while watching Craig purchase the game from the TV. 
"mmm what about it?" Craig asked, his eyes still on the screen, the game now starting to download. 
"Just a-about how we're supposed to be pretending, to to be dating an-d all" The blonde boy started picking at his band-aid but quickly stopped, "I- I feel like people are are starting to get suspicious of u-us"

"hmm and what can we do about that,," Craig questioned, now leaning his head against the end of the bed, barely paying attention to the conversation. 

"I I don't know mmaybe just a-act more like gGAH a couple?" Tweek looked over at Craig, who was fidgeting around with the controller in his hands. "M-Maybe we could kissorsomething GAH I don-t know-" 

Craig's eyes widened and he went stiff, the controller now sliding off his lap. He just sat there no real emotion written across his face, except for the bright red blush that spread across his cheeks. 

"I've never kissed anyone before." Was all he managed to get out. 

"M-Me neither" Tweek furrowed his eyebrows and just looked down at his lap, mad with blush. 

"Maybe we could, like, I don't know.. practice?"

Craig looked over at Tweek, who still had his eyes deadset on his lap. The black haired boy scooted closer to the blonde and took his hand in his. Tweek looked up, his pupils almost jittering, it looked like he hadn't had coffee in days. 

"W-When should we like,, practice, or whatever" The blonde boy mumbled out, barely audible.
"Right now?" Craig  almost interrupted Tweek, looking in his eyes. 

Craig slowly lifted his hand to cup the blonde boy's face gently, still being unsure as to how this works. 

He slowly tilted his face towards Tweek, pushing their lips together. It was silent, you could almost hear both their hearts beating, Tweek's a little faster than normal. Both of their bodies felt feather light, though it was messy, Craig thought it was perfect. 

Tweek mumbled into the kiss, slowly pulling back, earning a small whimper from Craig. 
"T-this isn't like.. G-gay, right?" The blonde looked up, his eyes full of yearning. 

"No, I'm straight." 

"Okay good, me too" 

Craig scooted closer, cupping Tweek's face once more, "Now shut up, we need more practice"

Their lips connected again, it feeling all too natural for it to be just for 'practice'

They didn't even notice when the game had successfully finished downloading on the screen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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