Part 1: Attention, Attention!

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The sun slowly rose in from the East of Perselisihan, lighting up the sea. Fluchtinge and it's people were ready. Scorpio and Hellen had been planning for almost a year, meeting every night on one Vzpoura wharf. Finally, they were ready and Scorpio, leader and founderof Fluchtinge, would take back what had been left for her. The original disc of Perselisihan;
owned by Nadwe and passed down to Ed. She had to forge the city with only the help of her friends; unlike how Hostium was built. Her time to lead the population to war, and most likely victory, had come. She strode up onto the stage in the center of the city to announce the plan of attack. “People of my city Fluchtinge and my friends, the day has come,” She announced.
“When Yunni took that disc out of greed, she never knew the secrets that came with it. However, I do, all of them.” People in the crowd murmuring before had stopped. Everyone besides Scorpio’s close friends, feared Yenni and what she had created this kingdom into; A blood-craving city out for revenge. “I created this city with my bare hands, out of vengeance and hatred. THEY took it all from me, and Hellen, Aliastrae, Electro and I have planned to take it back!” The people of which those
names belonged walked onto the stage with such sync, you might have thought they weren’t
real. “Our motto is there for a reason;” Said Hellenka, “Us people will seek vengeance and strive
respect, but NEVER shall we show any mercy or fear.” “Today we will show,” Scorpio paused, "that we aren’t people who will allow themselves to be banished. WE will take back what is OURS and banish those who were wrong before us.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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