The Promised Neverland

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63194. The number imprinted on my neck. Everyone in our orphanage has their own individual number. Among the children in our big family I am one of the oldest along with my closest friends Ray and Norman who are also 11 years old. Being the oldest comes with many responsibilities like helping the younger ones get ready or being somewhat like a role model. But I enjoy every second I can spend with my many siblings and of course with our mother Isabell. Even though she is not our biological mother, she makes us feel home in her presence.


This morning seemed like every other morning in our lives. After waking up, I helped my younger siblings get dressed and participated in our daily race down to the dining hall. Downstairs we greeted our mother who had the kindest and softest smile on her face as always. I aspire to be like her one day. None of us has ever felt like they were missing their parents because Isabell has always been there for us. Whenever one of us was sick, she stayed the entire night besides our bed to check if our fever rises or we get fever induced nightmares. Whenever one us got hurt playing in the big backyard, she carefully kissed the scraped knee or bleeding elbow and the pain seemed to vanish magically. She was like a fairy. She was our perfect mother.

Norman and Ray quickly greeted me and helped me prepare breakfast for all of our siblings. This task could be stressful sometimes since we are 38 children. But I would never dare to complain because the satisfied smiles on our siblings faces when they can finally eat the breakfast we helped to prepare made it worth it. This morning I could sense that something was different. I quickly checked the calendar in the dining hall and suddenly it struck me like lightning: Today was the 12.10. This meant that my little sister Conny would get adopted today. She was only 6 years old and one of the youngest in our orphanage. Norman must have noticed the sad look on my face because he immediately came over to hug me. „Don't be sad, Emma. You know that one day our paths will separate. It is part of our life in an orphanage. Just because Conny is getting adopted today, it does not mean that we will never hear from her ever again. I am sure she will write us letters everyday along with the help of her new parents." „You're just saying that to cheer me up, aren't you, Norman? We both know that none of our siblings that has gotten adopted wrote a letter to us. Why would it be different with Conny? I can only imagine how great their lives must be in the outside world. They probably forgot about us." „But don't you think this is aa good thing?" This time it was Rays turn to cheer me up. „They are so busy adapting to a new life that they haven't found the time to write a letter yet. Emma, please stop pouting. What makes you think that our siblings in the outside world have forgotten us? Now, lets have breakfast and then play outside in the yard". I looked at Ray and Norman as they were going to their assigned seats at the dining table. That feeling of hopelessness changed into joy and gratitude. I was so grateful to have siblings like Ray and Norman, they never fail to put a smile on my face. I hurried and got seated to eat breakfast along with my siblings.

After breakfast everyone was excited to go play outside but we all knew that there was another step in our daily routine that had to be completed first: The daily test.

Even though Ray, Norman and me usually get the full score on almost every test, I was the one who had to work the hardest towards this goal. Ray was indescribable intelligent and very witty. Norman who was not less smart was known for his calm and collected character. Isabell has always praised me for being smart but it is very difficult for me to keep up with Ray and Norman.

The daily test takes about and hour and has 100 questions each time. Logical and strategic thinking was the main aspect of this test. Each time it is a relieve when we finally can go outside to play.

Outside we played fetch and spent time in the warm fall sun. The only thing we had to pay attention to was not to get our white clothes dirty. Sometimes I wish we could wear different clothes. I have seen many pretty and colourful dresses in books but sadly no one in the orphanage is allowed to wear anything else besides our white uniform.

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