Not quite as planned

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It was a cool summer night in the town of Rocky Hills. A bright young teenager named Paul had just finished a daily round of research in his room/lab before deciding to go downstairs to watch TV. Upon walking into the living room he was greeted by his ten year old brother Kevin, who was watching Friday night cartoons and chowing down on large bowl of cookies & cream chex mix in his lap.

"Hey kev" The prodigy bio chemist spoke as he took a seat next to the boy. As a commercial began, the fifth grader turned to his older bro with excited eyes.

"Is it done yet? Can I see it?!" The boy swung his pajama covered legs over the edge of the couch, his socked feet thumping against the folded up foot rest.

"Soon Kevin, sooooooon" The highschooler replied comically as he reached over and grabbed a hand-full of chex mix from the bowl on his brother's lap.

"Awww, wheeeeen??" the boy groaned with impatience as he stuffed his mouth with another handful.

"Trust me, when the day comes you'll know..." Paul smiled to himself, having the event already planned in his head.

Little did his little brother realize, he was just finishing up research on a new state-of-the-art bio transitional serum that was likely to forever change the way people store and transport organic material. It was a two serum process. Serum A compacted organic matter to the size of a pill, and Serum B turned the pill back to it's original state.

Though not specifically intended for humans, Paul just couldn't resist trying it out on himself. What better way to surprise his little bro?


The day had come. It was a hot Saturday in the suburb of Rocky hills. The sun was blazing, people were barbecuing, and kids were running through sprinklers. Paul was far too busy to enjoy it however, for today was the big day.

Paul's lab-controlled self-trials had ended up being perfectly successful. Turning himself into a tablet was definitely scary the first time, but by the time he had completed the third trial, he sort of got used the strange feeling.

Both Paul's parents were away for his dad's friend's birthday and his little brother was temporarily out with his friends.

The excited seventeen year old called up his little brother a few moments earlier, just to make sure that he was on his way home. He wanted to make sure the boy was coming home of his own accord so that he wouldn't figure out that a surprise would be waiting for him. After hearing that Kevin would be returning in ten minutes, Paul quickly began to set things up.

The chemist carefully carried a small beaker of Serum B down to the kitchen, placing it on the edge of the kitchen table, facing the back door. Grabbing a napkin and a black marker, he began to write the note he had dreamed of writing for quite some time.


>Pour this beaker fluid on the red tablet for a big surprise!<


He grinned to himself as he sat on the edge of the counter and pulled a pill filled with Serum-A out of his pocket.

Everything was finally set. Paul was shaking as he took a seat on the tabletop.

As he had done with all his previous self-trials, Paul took a deep breath before biting the pill.

The familiar sensation enveloped him. Though it was dizzying the first few times, it seems he had finally gotten used to it.

Paul's form collapsed into itself until all that remained was a small red tablet sitting on the table next to the beaker and napkin. And so, the waiting game began. The only sound to be heard in the huge kitchen was the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Small enough? (Transformation Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα