Chapter {1}

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A chilly midnight, the moon high above, its slim crescent breaking through grey clouds. A tall man stood perched on the corner of a roof, glaring down at the busy citizens below. Stumbling idiots intoxicated on whatever was cheapest, groups of friends heading out for the night, people walking home from work. Those ordinary people living their lives, but they were not who he was looking for. The ones who are hidden by shadows, with dark thoughts hidden by black clothes. Those obviously shady individuals, which run rampant in this city. As he scanned the crowds underneath a furrowed brow, he caught sight of something. A figure in dark clothing slipping through the crowd. Their face is shadowed by a monotonous hood, an old woman at their heels, shouting profanities with a closed fist raised to the sky.

Down he went, the buildings growing taller around him as the ground grew ever closer. Thump. Rushing out into the hustle and bustle of the sidewalk, he dashed down the street, strong legs pumping to a slow, but powerful rhythm. The crowd of people let out cries of displeasure as the towering behemoth of a man strode ever closer to his target, grumbles of condemnation escaping his mouth in response. He progressed onward, his assailant losing ground on the massive man. Soon he was mere feet away from him, the old woman having given up long before the chase became as heated as it was.

The hooded man turned his head, concealed face scanning for signs of pursuers, and there to greet him was the six-foot-something goliath charging headlong at him. He muttered something under his breath, frantically looking around before fleeing into an alleyway, knocking over trash and rubble in a frenzied and desperate attempt to slow him down; But his hunter was like a charging elephant, crashing through anything and everything without falter, only focused on his prey.

The escapee turned a corner, and then another, debris flying everywhere as they stumbled over ripped bags of trash and knocked down trash cans, the tinks of beer bottles and cans echoing throughout the towering brick walls. All around them, buildings rise up, the alley-ways like long passages throughout a vast labyrinth. After another turn, they were met with a long, narrow alley, wooden pallets and torn fabric hanging on suspended wires blocking any view beyond. Desperate, and with nowhere else to go, the hooded man charged onward, hopping stacks of pallets and pushing past the ripped cloth. Behind him, his assailant was struggling, his wide frame reluctant to fit inside the tight confines of the passage. His heavy, muscular body was giving him difficulty vaulting the pallets, a chorus of noises bounding throughout the alley as he stumbles and falls to the rough concrete.

Up ahead, his fugitive was coming to the end of the path, a large brick building rising up in front of him, preventing any progress. He let out a helpless curse. Turning around, he looked for any way of getting past his pursuer, only to notice him sprawled across the ground, groaning in pain. He decided to take the opportunity, sprinting forward and leaping over the prone hero. The man on the ground reached his hand up desperately, hoping to grab onto the hooded figure, but to no avail. Down the alley he went, turning off and escaping from view, leaving Dominic alone to lick the ground.

After sulking for a time, he rose, dusting off his rubbery suit. He looked around, a sullen look on the mask that covers his face, greasy tears leaking through the pores of the latex.

"Damn you! Damn it all to hell! Why can't I do anything right?"

He took a deep breath, chest heaving outwards, before looking to the sky and screaming. A guttural yell coming from the depths of his being, let out into the chill night breeze. He screamed and punched, a rage deep in his heart coming out all at once, focused into beating the brick of the buildings surrounding him. He punched and screamed until his fists were bloody and his voice cracked. Finally, his anger subsided. Out of breath and with a searing pain in his knuckles, he left the alley-ways.

Back out on the streets, he walked; Walking with no intentions, with no goal ahead of him. He just walked, his legs carrying him in a mindless way that didn't care for what was going on around him. He jaywalked across the road, cars honking loudly while their drivers leaned out the windows and growled profanities. People bumping into him, mindless of their own surroundings, expecting apologies for their own mistakes. He just walked on anyway. Walking, and walking.

He went home.


Hello, dumb author here.
I know this is probably really bad and that no one will read it, but if anyone does I'd love feedback. Anything you might have to say at all, say it.
Y'all can fuckin tell me it's shit and spit in my face for all I care. I just want to make a good story that people can enjoy. And if you could help me with that, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Anyways, until the next chapter, coming out some time in the next 2-5 years. Thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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