Amerisa's Story line Introduction

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"OK, so Ponce de Leon. Let's see what we have on that." I had already done the reading on him, now I just needed to do the research and make the brochure. This was for history. Well, Social studies, but I always forget to call it that. I opened up my school computer, seeing the crack on the outside and grimacing, beginning to type.

Juan Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer way back in the day. He searched for the Fountain of Youth, which I'm sure y'all have heard about more than once or twice. He also discovered Florida, which automatically made me like him more, because I live in Florida and enjoy it. But the Calusa Indians had been there before he was, and I wasn't completely sure if he was the first Spanish person to find it. I mean, he probably was, but I was just gonna play it the safe way on this project and just say he discovered it.

It's a wonder I remember all that, haha! But also, it made since. Because- wouldn't you remember that if you went on a journey of a lifetime pretty closely tied to it?

And I have to say, it was a pretty amazing journey too! ;)

Hang on tight for the ride! Like, really tight. ;) 

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