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"Pump it up kitty! Just pump it up kitty cat, where you at? There you go..! Put two paws on th-"
It's your ringtone. The beginning of a song called Go Kitty Go. You immediately jumped. You were sitting in your desk chair in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but only cool people knew that sitting in wheely recline-y chairs like you do is the only good way to sit. All crumpled up, sitting with your side to the back of the chair, and legs crossed over one another. You had your earbuds in, and were listening to music for half an hour because there was nothing else you had or wanted to do. Didn't have any schoolwork, and didn't feel like drawing or going outside or doing anything other than just pleasantly sitting there and letting music absorb your mind. It was a Friday, and the weather has been cooling down for a few weeks. You could listen to Go Kitty Go on loop 100 times (seriously) but the jump from an ethereal shoegazy kinda song to pure 2007 cat insanity song was a little jarring. Irritating even.
"-e floor, two in the air and then just... GO! Kitty, GO! Kitty G-"
You groaned and slowly turned your head to face the phone that was on the desk to your left. Your phone was facing down, so you had to untangle yourself and pick it up to see who had interrupted your music. Once you saw who it was, all of your upsetness drained away. You answered the call.
    "HEYYYY BELOVED BINGUS! WHATCHA DOIN??!" You heard not even a second after picking up. He was nearly screeching.
    A big grin spread across your face.
"Hi, Gio. Nothing much. Was just listening to some music five seconds ago though! You interrupted me, asshole!!"
    "OH, I'M SORRY.. sorry!"
    You giggled like a toddler. "It's fine lawl"
    His tone was normal now. "ANYWAYYY... The momz are out, and they won't be back until like way later. I think they went to a concert or something. BUT..! if you wanna come over and do something like movies or baking or crime-doing i really want you to!! please come see me!!"
    "YES!! Of course i would! Not much going on over here at the moment-OOh, baking sounds great. I don't got shit here and i'm guessing you don't have much for baking either... what are we even gonna bake?"
    "Hrmmmm....The first thing that comes to mind is banana bread. I dunno."
    "Oh,,, That actually sounds really good. Are we gonna have to go to the store?"
    The both of you made the plan that you were going to get to Giovanni's block by public transportation, then you both walk to the store since it's only like a mile away.
    First, you freshened up, put on a nice sweater, some sweatpants, fuzzy boots, earrings, and your favorite necklace. Better looking than your previous outfit but just as cozy. Then you stuffed your pockets with some cash, your phone, and the keys and headed out the apartment door. You trotted down the few flights of stairs and walked to the nearest bus stop. After waiting a few minutes you got on the bus, paid the fee and watched buildings dart by. It took nearly ten minutes to ride to the other side of the city and you really wished you brought your earbuds.

    At the bus' fifth stop you got out. You had to weave through the neighborhood for like 20 minutes because you haven't memorized the directions just yet, and you really suck ass at finding house and street addresses. Eventually, you arrived at his street! Finally! The house was at the opposite end of where you were standing. You started to turbo-power power walk down, then jogged halfway down the sidewalk. His house was one story and fairly small. It looked just like almost every other house on the street.
    You knocked on the door. You didn't even get to make two knocks before the door swung open. Giovanni has been waiting there for you, like a puppy waiting for his owner to come home from work. On top of the sudden door opening, you were then quickly swept up. Since Giovanni was unusually tall and you were unusually short, (you were still close in age) he was able to easily whisk you up into a hug where your legs could just kinda dangle there, like two feet off the ground.
    Surprise made you yelp, but you quickly calmed down and melted into the hug. Good thing he scooped you up from under your arms, because if he didn't you wouldn't be able to wrap your arms around his neck. Your faces were pressed against each other's necks as you nestled your heads deep. You held eachother for about 15 seconds before you let go and looked him in the face.
    "Hey Gio." Without bothering to sweep the hair that covered half his eyes you planted a brisk kiss on Giovanni's forehead.
    He stared at you, very obviously baffled and in awe. Giovanni was the type of person that no matter how close he was with his partner, no matter how much affection he got from them, he would always be incredibly flustered every time you kissed him or something.
    "H-hey bro!" (gender neutral) He flashed a goofy smile. "I'm so glad you're here now! Come on-" He set you down, but you grabbed his arm before he could walk off inside. You made a gesture to call attention to your hand. Giovanni, knowing, grinned. Underneath the ends of the sleeves of your black sweater, a thin line started to form and soon revealed itself to be a twig. It snaked up your palm and stopped once you were able to hold it between your fingers. Then, a cluster of small pale pink flowers bloomed from the ends of the tiny branch. You tilted your hand back so the twig snapped off at the base of where it came from; the wrist. (Queue character stat card. Epithet: Plantae. Stamina: 4/5 stars, Proficiency: 3/5 stars, Creativity: 4/5 stars).
"Cherry blossoms!"
Gio bent down to take a close look at the lovely flowers. "Cherry blossoms!!" He parroted. His eyes went as wide as he analyzed them, both fascinated with the process of your epithet and awed by the flowers themselves. Giovanni leaned in a little closer and closed his eyes to let you tuck the flower in his hair. They went beautifully with his also pink hair and pink eyes. And his now pink face.
You both walked through the front door. You closed it behind yourself and he continued. "We've got to make plans now! So far we have: go to the store."
    "Of course." You nodded. You were both just standing in the kitchen. Giovanni was leaning against one of the counters, and it looked like it hurt. You continued anyway.
"Let's walk to the store, get whatever, come back, make the bread, and maybe watch a few movies until your moms get back!"
    "OOOHH YES!!! Sounds great! Let's go!"
    And just like that, Giovanni threw the door open again.
    "WAIT, hon! What do we even need to buy?"
    "We'll figure it out later!"
    Giovanni ran across the kitchen, grabbed his man-purse and jumped out the door and yanked you out with him. He then hopped off the concrete step that was just there and ran down the driveway. He waited there, bouncing around, as you calmly walked down to meet him. As you two walked side by side, your fingers were intertwined with his. The sky was overcast and dark for 5 pm, although the air had the crisp qualities of the beginning of winter.
    On the way, you needed to pull up the best rated/first result banana bread recipe on google. He had some of the ingredients like butter, sugar, and eggs, but you needed to buy flour, vanilla, baking soda, and like 3 bananas. The recipe called for browned bananas. Giovanni had bananas at his house, but they were beyond just browned.
    You and Gio had conversations the whole way there.

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