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Hello, ladies, gentlemen, both, and neither!

"Water Story" is something of a prequel to Solar Flare, setting up how the Tillamook Camp pack was founded. It also begins to frame some of the things we will see in the third, and final, installment in the proper trilogy. I'm very proud of it because it took a lot of research to make work.

I want to add a warning here, though. "Water Story" is set in 1852, and has many characters of color. I am a firm believer in the notion that not every story with characters of color needs to include racism, but it would feel like I was sugarcoating and whitewashing if I made it seem like 1852 was a good time to be a person of color.

Let me know if you have any questions, and please enjoy!

Stay safe and stay sane,

- Rian

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