Piece of Comfort

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Night draped over the camp.

Only a sliver of moonlight found its way through the ferns and into the medicine den.

A silver she-cat stirred, then lifted her head at the sound of coughing.

"Briarlight?" the tiny golden heart charm on her collar jingled as she walked across the den to stand next to the brown warrior's nest, "Are you okay?"


Briarlight winced and dug her claws into the moss underneath her as a violent cough passed through her, making her eyes water.

"Are you okay?"

Weakly, she lifted her head to see a glow of sympathy in the amber eyes that gazed down at her.

"It's okay, Velvet," Briarlight choked out, "I'll be alr-"

She broke off as another fit of coughing shook her body, forcing her to cling to the rim of her nest in a desperate attempt to escape what felt like an earthquake.

A soft paw passed gently over Briarlight's quivering fur as Velvet stroked her flank soothingly, and Briarlight felt herself relax.

Velvet helped arrange the scraps of moss underneath her as she shifted into a more comfortable position.

Briarlight stared wearily ahead at the night sky beyond the medicine den enterance. Her body still shivering, she let out the nervous whimper she'd been suppressing for so long.

"It's okay," Velvet whispered, her mew a mixture of reassurance and concern as she sat down close to Briarlight, "You can tell me."

"I-" Briarlight rasped as Velvet gazed down at her. "It's scary sometimes," she admitted, shuddering at the memory of how the cough had gripped her lungs, threatening to drown her, "Very, very scary..."

"I understand," Velvet murmured. She glanced over her shoulder at her own nest- her expression thoughtful and anxious- then turned around to walk across the den.


Crouching beside her nest, Velvet looked at the soft felt mouse -her favorite toy -the toy that brought her comfort.

Her bushy tail twitched as she glanced around the den. All her surroundings except for the toy still so unfamiliar... Velvet wasn't sure if she had the courage to do what she'd wanted to do.

But as she tore her gaze away from the toy and towards Briarlight, she realized she had to have the courage. Briarlight showed so much courage, every day, just to keep on fighting and hoping.

She showed so much more courage than it would take Velvet to go through with her idea, and Velvet knew that as much as she wanted comfort, tonight Briarlight needed it more.

Taking a deep breath, she picked up her toy and headed towards Briarlight's nest.


Briarlight glanced up as a small scrap of fur was dropped in front of her.

Standing beside her, Velvet pushed it closer with her nose.

Briarlight touched the blue-gray fluff with her paw. It looked like a mouse... but it definitely had no prey-scent to it and didn't quite look like fresh-kill either. She glanced up, "What is it?"

"It's... my favorite toy," Velvet shuffled her paws self-conciously, "It brings me comfort, so... I was hoping that sleeping with it tonight might maybe bring you a bit of comfort as well."

She blinked hopefully and Briarlight found herself reaching out to accept the gift.

"Thank you," she rasped.

"You can wake me if you need." Briarlight closed her eyes as Velvet gently brushed against her cheek before padding quietly back to her own nest. "Feel better, Briarlight."

A purr rumbling in her throat, Briarlight examined the toy curiously, carefully turning it in her paws.

It was small and tattered, quite like a piece of prey but not real. She would have never imagine that this tiny, fuzzy object could comfort her.

And yet as she pictured Velvet's warm amber eyes shining down at her with concern as the she-cat asked if she were okay, as she remembered how attatched her friend had been to the object she'd given up, Briarlight found herself pulling the soft, sweet-smelling mouse closer, nuzzling against it as she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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