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"Guy's  see that building."- Hima.
Tori, Sina and Yona looked at her.
"Yeah, what about that building?"- Sina
"It is an abandoned hospital. No one knows why it was abandoned. Rumors has it something spooky happened. Now it is a haunted hospital."
" People always make rumors about abandoned things. They are not true."- Yona
"Wanna explore?"- Hima
"I am going to heart attack before going there"- Tori
"There are going to guards. They are going to let us in"-Yona
"Please, let's go"- Hima
" Guy's let's lock her up. Her desires to see ghosts will be fulfilled"- Sina
"Ahh! By the way guys there is always horror story about schools. Is there no horror story of our school?- Hima
"Yeah, there is some problem in our 5th floor's common room's last washroom "- Sina
"What is it?"- Yona
" I have gone to wash my hands there.  At that time there was no one in the washroom. I was washing my hands and then I heard some whispers. A girl was whispering in a really low voice. I didn't understand what it was and then I was looking in the washrooms but there was no one in the entire common room. It freaked me out. I ran away as fast as I can."- Sina
" Let explore"- Hima
"We really have to lock you up"-Tori
"Not fair"- Hima

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