The Story of Uchiha Sasuke and the Seven Angels

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Author Note:

Hello all how are you? I hope you are in the best condition. Some time ago I was inspired to make Sasukarin as a couple in traditional legends in my country. So, considering that this story (*maybe become stories if you don't mind) is not mine because this is a folk tale that I intentionally changed the characterization by making our favourite couple as story characters, I hope you can understand what I mean by making this story. I really like this fairy tale because my mother used to use it as a lullaby in my childhood.


-Characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto

-The original story of this story is entitled "Jaka Tarub and the Seven Angels" which is a folklore originating from the island of Java.

-This story is inspired and makes Indonesian folklore the source of the storyline.

That's all... now you can move on to the story reading session...

The Story of Uchiha Sasuke and the Seven Angels

Once upon a time, there lived a young man named Uchiha Sasuke in a small village. He lived with his mother who was usually called Uchiha Mikoto. His father died long time ago. Everyday Sasuke and Mikoto farm rice in the rice fields.

One night, in the middle of his deep sleep, Sasuke dreamed of getting a wife of an elegant angel from heaven. As soon as he woke up and realized that it was all a dream, Sasuke smiled to himself. Even so, the beautiful dream just now still lingered in his mind. Sasuke couldn't sleep anymore. He came out and sat on the porch in front of his house, gazing at the stars in the sky. He didn't feel the rooster crowing as a sign that it was already morning.

Mikoto who just woke up realized that Sasuke wasn't home. As soon as she looked out the window, she saw his only child was daydreaming.

"What is my son thinking about?" thought Mikoto.

She guessed that maybe Sasuke was thinking about getting married soon. After all, he's more than old enough. Most of his peers were already married. The thought made Mikoto intended to help her son find a wife.

During the day when Mikoto was in the rice fields, Haruno Kizashi, the owner of the next rice filed, came to her.

"Mikoto, why hasn't your son married yet?" asked Kizashi to open the conversation.

"I don't know," said Mikoto, remembering what happened this morning.

"Why are you asking about?" asked Mikoto. She was a little bit surprised why Kizashi was interested in his son's private life.

"It's okay, Mikoto. I just have an intention to match your son with my daughter Haruno Sakura," replied Haruno Kizashi.

Mikoto was taken aback by what she heard. She was very overjoyed. Sakura is a beautiful girl whose speech is gentle. She was sure that Sasuke would agree to make sakura his wife.

However, Mikoto didn't want to go ahead of her son to make a decision. After all, she realized that Sasuke was an adult and had his own desires.

"I agree, Kizashi. Yet, we should asl our children first," said Mikoto wisely.

Haruno Kizashi nodded his head. He thought what Mikoto said was true.

Day after day, Mikoto had not find the right time to talk about Sasuke and Sakura's matchmaking plan yet. She was afraid Sasuke would be offended. It's also possible that Sasuke already had a future wife that she hadn't been introduced to. Over time, Mikoto forgot her original intention.

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