Holding On.

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I own nothing and am making no money from this. It is just for fun.

This is a rewrite of a scene in the movie The Matrix, involving Trinity's perspectives over bringing Neo breakfast and if the One is truly the man she will love. Hints at Trinity/Cypher. If that is not what you are looking for then don't read the story.

Holding on

Trinity looked down at Neo sleeping. He was handsome, she could give him that. She was supposed to, no, she was destined, to love him. Everything she had been told by the oracle had come true. Everything but that. Could she? Neo somehow looked like a confused puppy, he pulled dopey eyebrows cutely into a perplexed frown, and she thought he was dreaming of Morpheus. His sleep was quiet, unlike Cypher who snored slightly with a slight whistle and, although she had thought it annoying at the time with Cypher, she found she was somehow disappointed. Neo was a stranger to her. She supposed she could learn to love him, she was loyal to her captain, and her duty. She would see it through. Trinity placed the food down beside him. She hated herself for it, but she hoped Neo wouldn't come to breakfast. One more breakfast like it had always been. Before she had to sign herself away like an arranged marriage in the middle ages. She just wanted to hold on to these last few hours. She got up, and stepped out of the door, to see Cypher hovering behind it. Trinity got the urge both to smile and to be annoyed with him all at once, but she kept her emotions in check. It took a master to notice the slight relaxation in her posture.

"I don't remember you bringing me dinner" Cypher intoned trying to play it off with casual if cynical banter, as if she couldn't tell how bitter and rejected that made him feel. She knew he loved her, and he had never given up hope, that some day she might feel even a little of something for him. "There is something about him isn't there?". She knew what he was trying to do, make it easier for her to admit that she didn't care about him, even if she knew everything she did broke his heart just a little more. She knew he was trying to make it easier for them both, but although she believed that, she couldn't bring herself to accept his offer. She told herself that it was because she was scared of what he'd do if she did, she knew that hope was the only thing he had that kept him going.

"Don't tell me your a believer now" was her response instead, her tone sharp as she snapped back to his banter. It was as much of a denial as she could give while still remaining impassive. She didn't want to commit to Neo either. He was a stranger to her.

"Just saying. If Morpheus is so sure, why hasn't he taken him to see the Oracle." And there was Cypher, back to bitter resentment for the prophecy. He was naturally cynical to the fairy-tale like stories Morpheus told, and it hurt him that she was already taken by a man neither of them knew, and, and who he couldn't understand why was somehow better than Cypher.

"Morpheus will take him when he's ready" was all the reply she could give him. She had never admitted, even to herself that she could have feelings for Cypher, but right now she couldn't quite let that opportunity go either, so she just walked away, knowing it would only delay the inevitable but, perhaps they were holding on to each other.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it. Please review if you can as it would help my confidence in writing.

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