Imposter X Vegan Teacher

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Red amog us x vegan teacher uwu
Ms Karen, that vegan teacher was forcing kids to turn vegan when she thought of a amazing plan.

She was now going to throw carrots and apples at "veganphobes".

'THIS IS THE COOLEST PLAN EVER UWU"ms kadie thought to herself.

After I do this they will turn vegan.

But first Ms kadie decided to go paint the words' VEGAN ARE KEWL' on her plain white shirt.

She put on the epic shirt and went outside to throw carrots and apples at non vegans at Mc Donald's.

She was about to smack a child with a carrot when she saw the imposter from among us, her crush.

'H-h-h-hi, I'm Kadie', Ms Karen says shyly.

'AMOGUS' the imposter says.

'Are you vegan?' Ms kadie asks.

'yes', imposter replies.

'Omg same let's be besties', ms kadie says excitedly.

* 8 months later*

Ms kadie and impostor were talking a walk in their local park.

They were chatting as usual then imposter took out a plastic ring.

He got down on his knees and on a gently voice he said ' vegan teacher, we have been friends for so long...
I started gaining feelings for you.
I know its only been 8 months but........w-w-w-will u-you be m-my g-g-grillfriend???. <3

' OFCOURSE!!', Ms kadie yells excitedly.

' R-r-really?!!?', imposter says.

'well.....then I have a confession to make........

'........',Ms kadie was speechless.

She ran away in tears not ever speeching to imposter ever again.

She felt so betrayed.

'Maybe i really should have just dated a carrot....'

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