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I wasn't against stabbing a man in the back. Or hitting him over the head, pushing him down a flight of stairs or throwing dirt in his eyes for that matter. I'm not saying I do these things because I think I'm going to lose, but who fights fair anymore? That guy does, the one laying on the floor after I smashed a beautiful French vase over his head.

At the end of a job, if I'm still standing and the bad guy isn't, I take that as a win. No matter how dirty I had to get. An extra kick to the kidneys never hurts to make sure he's out. At least it doesn't hurt me.

That's how I ended my last job. Peter Gentry needed a team of bodyguards when he slept with the wrong Mafia Bosses daughter. I took the queue that it was time to call in backup when the shadows hunters were sent to Peter's door. Shadow hunters weren't much different then they sound. Having the ability to fade away into the dark curtain of night, the last thing you see is usually their blade as it sinks deep into your chest.

I on the other hand had a flashier team to combat this slight problem. Well Thrasher, Gil and I weren't a team, but when one of us was in trouble the others would always be there to lend a helping fist. Thrasher dragged the last hunter out the patio door as I sat besides Peter. He slowly dropped his cell to the carpet.

"It's over, we made a deal. I just need one last job before I can close your contract," he said as his head hung low and his back hunched slightly.

"Swiller Boss made a deal? I thought he wouldn't stop until he had your dick in his hand." Peter slowly looked up and I could see the defeat and horror oozing off his face.

"Close. I just can't do it myself."

Well, this was a first for me. Its not every night a man asks you to cut his balls off. Even in my line of work.

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