The Beginning

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Harry James Potter of #4 Private Drive, Surry  England was left by Hagrid of Hogwarts in the train station in London. He had no idea how he was to get back to his uncle and aunts house with all you his school things and was trying to figure out how he was going to manage when a lady who looked to be in her early 20's. The woman introduced herself to be Dominique Wren. Dominique asked Harry where his family was seeing as he was obviously all by himself when she was told he was by himself and his relatives where at their house in Surrey, she asked how old he was and to her surprise he said he had just turned 11. Within the next few minutes she and Harry came to the decision that she would "check" on his relatives treatment of him without them knowing and if it was as she thought she would take Harry and adopt him if that was what he wanted.

Dominique's pov:

Within the first few minutes of meeting the boy, Harry Potter, at the train station in muggle London she could tell that there was something definitely wrong with the child's home life as he winced any time they were mentioned and he was much to small for being an 11 year old boy.

Having promised the child that she would monitor the boys family once she took him back to his relatives she drove out to Surrey and after getting there she glamoured herself and led Harry to the door letting him know that she was still there and wouldn't let anything happen to him if she could stop it.

Harry slowly walked to the door and knocked, shortly after he had done that a tall, thin lady with a long neck and sharp features opened the door with a glare. She grabbed  Harry and dragged him into the house and Dominique followed unnoticed by the woman who turned out to be Petunia Dursley Harry's aunt.
Once in the house Petunia slapped Harry and threw him into a cupboard and yelled shrilly  that "Vernon will punish you when he gets home FREAK!" as she stormed out and into the kitchen Dominique tapped on the door to the cupboard in which Harry was in to let him know that she was about to start phase 2 of her plan.
Dominique slipped back out the front door and unglamoured herself straighting out her outfit.

( outfit in media area)

Knocking on the door she heard a shrill voice sounding very annoyed and coming closer to the door. As the door opened she smiled at the woman and said, " Hello Mrs. Dursley, I am Dominique Wren may I come in?"
Looking angry Petunia was about to close the door when Dominique glared at her and said lightly, " well I see that your neighbors are a curious lot." With a slight tilt of her head, not two seconds later she was let in though she could tell Petunia was not happy about it.
" So Mrs. Dursley as I said I am Dominique Wren and I would like to talk to you about something. May we sit down and talk about it over tea?" Nodding Petunia went to make the tea and came back a few minutes after Dominique had sat down. Once Petunia sat down and had served herself and Dominique some tea Dominique began, " I am sure that you must be wondering why an American is here in your home asking to talk to you. And you shall find out shortly, however I must ask if you have anyone else here because if anyone else is here they need to leave so that I may tell you what I need to and so that we may speak about the information without interruptions. So is anyone here?"
Looking at Petunia she saw the woman's eyes dart to the hall and then back to her as she said, " No, no one else but us is here. Now please do tell me why you are here ms. Wren."
Taking a breath Dominique began " I must ask that you do not interrupt me because if you do there will be unhappy consequences." Shooting a smirk at Petunia she said " Today i came back from a trip to Scotland and when I came into the train station known as Kingscross I found a boy who looked no more than 8 in clothes much to big for him and all alone so naturally I waited to see if he was actually alone or of his family had just walked away for a minute. After an hour of watching him, I approached and happened to talk to him for an hour and found out quite a few things about the child which shocked and angered me greatly. Now one thing you must know is that I knew your sister Lily and yes I'm away of what you think of " our kind" as you so eloquently put it back then, and yes im a witch hence how I know now what has been happening here since Harry was brought here by an imbecile who didn't have two brain cells to rub together. So Mrs. Dursley I am here to let you know that I will be taking Harry and you will be signing over all rights as his guardian over to me. And you will show me the money that you were sent and the notes that came with them."
Looking at Petunia with a glare who glared right back at Dominique with a pale face. Standing up which made Petunia cower Dominique let out a sigh    "Petunia, if something was going to happen to you it will happen if I don't get those notes and money as well as your signature on these papers within the next 2 minutes because I have no intention of staying here any longer then necessary, I would also warn you against letting Dumbledore know that you have signed over all rights to me just yet. And do not try to contact him now." With one last look at Petunia who was signing the papers and just getting up to grab the money and notes from Dumbledore, Dominique went over to the cupboard and opened it crouching down she smiled at Harry and motioned for him to come out of the cupboard which he did. Looking at her Harry quietly asked " so you're witch? And you knew my mum?"
The woman gently grabbed Harry's shoulders, " yes, however I am not helping you because I knew your mum. I am helping you because you deserve to have someone who loves you and has no ill intentions towards you." Looking at the child who deserved so much more than what he got she sighed and continued wanting him to make this decision. "If you do not want me to adopt you or do not want to live with me we can always find another way for you to leave with me,I also need to tell you a few things after we leave here. So remind me that I need to explain your seats and godfather and we need to go back to Gringotts. Alright?" Dominique sent a gentle smile at Harry and lifted him up holding him like he was a 5 year old which for Dominique he basically was with his size and weight. Harry nodded and layer his head down on her shoulder chasing his eyes and falling into a peaceful sleep with a smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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