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I won't be taking too much of your time with this, it's just a little reminder of
what is inside this book, you might want to read this if you don't want to complain about anything. This is warnings for you beforehand-

This book will definitely have:

i. Madanaru ( I know saying this is dumb, but their are some people who even tho knows they don't like the ship, and still reads it just to hate on it. So please if you don't like this ship, don't read it. This is the last warning for you, don't blame me later. )

ii. Angst ( Again not really important but still, there won't be any self harm! Or maybe there would be- Idk. )

iii. Smut ( Maybe, really maybe. I'm not good with writing smut, so I'm kinda insecure about my smut writing skills. )

iv. No requests ( I don't take request, that's cause I can never understand what people really wants and end up doing something very different, I don't wanna disappoint anyone with my less social commutation skills. )

v. Sakura bashing? ( Idk, I really don't, most definitely this will be on just some One-shots as to Sakura won't always be in a one-shot and I won't always make her a bad character, and just like that )

vi. OOC ( Obviously there will be OOCness *Is that even a word?* But yeah, if you are writing a book including a ship, you know that we have to do somethings that are really out of character, and that's why I warned you beforehand. Like, I don't want anyone saying "[ insert name ] would never act or do thinsg like this, and blah blah blah" I know this! That's why I'm saying that there will be OOCness. )

vii. Side ships? ( Yeah definitely, there will be some parts were we will be focusing on a particular side ship, but not for long, cause it's already a one-shot not a full fledged story... )

viii. Will there be any spoiler of a possible new fanfiction? ( Actually yes. There will be some one-shots, that I'll be turning into a long ass Fan-fic. So..
You can say that I'm giving you all spoilers, but believe me there won't be much in this. Just a part of the Fan-fic will be in the one-shot, and that also won't have anything too much spicy, but will also keep you all on edge. )

ix. Hate..? ( So bitches let's get this point inside your brain. You wanna hate here? Do it. It won't even budge me a bit, you know why? Hm? When you have a asian mother, who will start name calling you the second she goes to wake you up till you again go to sleep... You will not understand what hate means, when everyone is talking about your weight, and your skin tone... You don't know how much that can hurt, but it's been way too long now that you don't even listen to what they say. It's the same for me, I simply don't care, not anymore. People will talk about what they wanna talk about, you don't have to listen to them. So... This hate is also the same, if you wanna hurt my feelings you will have to be really creative to even make a single frown come on my face. So good luck to all those haters!!! I love you all so much 😘)

x. So, last and finale... PLEASE ENJOY, GOD DAMN IT.

Like I said, please enjoy! This is all for you all to read and criticize. Yep, critize but you know how, Just a tad bit nicely? And if you just wanna hate, then go ahead! Like I siad I love all of you so much-

But yeah, that's all I had to say. Good luck to any new Madanaru shipper, I mean if you are new to this ship, and giving it a try... Then I think you will need a good luck!

Date published: 24.05.2022, ( 24th May, 2022 )

Word count: 672

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