Thanks Cindy

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@Styx_and_Stones has nominated me to answer this stalker quiz thingy, so March on!!!

1. What are you wearing

Why do you care?? JK um, soccer practice practice shirt and shorts

2.Ever been in love

*runs out of room screaming about how gross it is to date in middle school*

3. Ever been in a terrible break up

XD XD XD NOOOOOO FACT: I only had one boyfriend ever because he asked me and he is my friend and so I didn't want to make him upset so I ended up saying ok and then we basically ignored each other for like five months, before he developed a crush on my old preschool friend that doesn't like me anymore and came up to me saying 's I think we should break up' I said 'i think that's a great idea' the end!!! :) so, no I haven't XD

4. How tall are you

5'1 or 5'2

5. How much do you weigh

Creeps ok, bout 95 lbs




Ears, only one hole on each side! :)

8. Favorite tv show

I don't watch tv really.....

9. Favorite band

To many awesome ones, I can't choose

10.something you miss

Childhood innocence freedom and sanity (XD JK)

11. Favorite song

Again, I don't know too many awesome ones

12. How old are you

Ok now we're really stalking, um fine 12

13. Zodiac

Um Taurus the bull guy


Ways to many....Um "I see no good reason to act my age"

"the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I don't want to hurt anybody, but the reason why I want to kill myself is that everyone is hurting me"

"the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don't wish to see anyone suffer the way the do"

"When life knocks you down, turn over and look at the stars"

"Damaged people are dangerous, they know they can survive"

"The true sign of maturity is when someone hurts you, and instead of hurting them back you try to understand their problem and help them"

"Two hours of writing fiction leaves a writer completely drained. For those two hour he has been in a different place with completely different people"

"The world will not be destroyed by evil people, it will be destroyed by the people who see the evil around them and do nothing about it."

"The mask hurts more then the abuse"

"If people are trying to bring you down, that only means that you are above them"

"You hate when people see you cry because you wanna be a strong girl. At the same time you hate how nobody notices how torn apart and broken you are"

"I love the rain, it lets me know that even the sky can't take it anymore sometimes, when the sky screams its thunder, I feel it's pain"

"I love sleep, my life has a tendency to fall apart when I am awake"

All those random tags and nominations, book basically to stalk meWhere stories live. Discover now