House fire

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Hi before we start I would like to say that you already have a name the reason for this is because well I wanted the character to have a olden name and one that could be a nickname so that's why that's like that and your surname it just yours (Y/L/N) in case your confused.

Warnings:not really I guess just brief mention of death
Conclusion:you have a house fire and Gilbert saves you
Parts:probably going to add another part like afterwards mabey.
Does it make sense on its own part:yes

It was around midnight when theodosia woke up to the smell off smoke, heavily living her eyes she looked up and her room was on fire she quickly pulled the covers of her quilt back and trying to get the the door, once opened she started walking down her hallway coughing inhaling all the black smoke. Opening her Parents bedroom door she almost screamed their whole room was just fire quickly she closed the door and Carried on stumbling down the hall she wanted to stop and try save them but it was obvious they were dead, she had been so caught up with the memories and emotions flooding her brain she hadn't realised how faint she felt

Pushing on she arrived at the top of the stairs about to take a step she held onto the banister, grip tightening, her knuckles were turning white, as black spots clouded her vision flames coming into view the black spots grew bigger until they took over her whole vision the last thing she felt was her body falling not that far from were her parents body's lay.

It was around midnight when Gilbert was awoken by his father yelling at him to get up Gilbert hadn't shown much interest in him until the word fire came out his mouth pulling his quilt off he ran and put his coat and hat running down the stairs and hopping in his dads cart "is the fire bad?" "From what I was told yes you were sleeping and Harold ran in woke me up said there a fire he said he'd be surprised if anyone's alive" "Wheres the fire?" "A house" the slow response worried Gilbert "what house?" He reluctantly told him "the Y/L/N" Gilbert tried to process "as as in Thea Y/L/N" Gilbert mumbled out "yes son" "a-as in Theodosia Y/L/N" "yes now you need to concentrate on putting it out ok" "but I need to know if she's alright" Gilbert's father was going to respond when they saw the fire they weren't even close to the house and they could see it.

Arriving Gilbert jumped out grabbing the ladder and climbing up it with billy throwing water in the house "it's not working ever need more water" suddenly someone shouted "has anyone seen the Y/L/Ns there not here Gilbert panicked and jumped straight in the window with billy shouting after him "Gilbert what the hell are you doing get back here" Walking through the house Gilbert held his jacket over his mouth he was near the end of the hall seeing what he thought was a small shadow.

Gilbert approached faster realising it was theodosia bending down to her he put his jacket over her mouth and picked her up bridal style carefully running down the nearly burnt down stairs. He burst open the door everyone turning there attention to him gasping at the girl. Gilbert ran out to the grass and layed her there Anne and Dianna the first one to approach he kneeled beside her putting the side of his face to her mouth to see if she was breathing, she wasn't "she not breathing" "well do something" Dianna responded crying gilbert started cpr whitest crying "come on come on breath please just breath for me" he was doing this for a while "son I think" "no dad no she's not" "gilbert" "no Anne no she's alive she just a little help that's all" everyone just stood there sympathetic looks at the boy "please come on I just wanna talk to you again see you smile again come on please Thea" suddenly she sat up coughing with Gilbert's help everyone smiling through tears "gilbert" Thea spoke her voice cracking "Yeha hi it's me" she paused for while looking off like something was wrong "thea" Gilbert's voice barely audible to her no answer "theodosia look at me" his voice sounded like it was underwater "I'm cold" "how are cold you've just been in a burning fire" gilbert said a confused look on his face he held his hand up to her head and nearly jumped at the coldness.

"Holly hell Thea come here" Thea cuddled into Gilbert "we need a doctor now she's cold" gilbert shouted standing up with her in his arms "get on our cart I'll take you" "that you mr Cuthbert" gilbert sat down in the cart Thea in his lap, he took off his coat "here put this around you" "thank you" Thea said pulling herself closer to gilbert he just started at her hoping and praying for the best.
A day later
Thea sat up in her hospitality bed gilbert with her "you scared me you know I thought you died" "I nearly did I would have if it wasn't for you actually I don't think I've thanked you yet so thank you gilbert" "no problem thea" she smiled to herself she was gorgeous she was going to do it "hey thea" "Yeha" "I um now how do I say this I well I" "just say it" "I like you like I like like you" silence " well what would you say if if I said I like like you to" "I would say miss theodosia Y/L/N will you be my girlfriend" "yes gilbert" both just stared at each other like nothing else mattered because to them it didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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