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Isn't the world beautiful
With all its flowers and blooms
The rivers flowing through the mountains
And the bees humming their lovely song.

The birds singing with full might
And the peacocks dancing with delight
The fireflies showing their light
And the giraffes proud of their height.

The rainbows with their seven colours
And the mangoes with their sweet flavours
The tigers with their ferocious fright
And the deer with their beautiful stride.

But now the rivers have stopped
And the bird's voice is lost
The trees are being cut
And the deer are getting hurt.

The fishes are becoming ill
With the water so unclean
The nature is screaming in pain
With the tears flowing in vain.

But who is responsible for all
Who else but the vicious foul
The mightiest of the all
Who call itself human being
But in truth is the 'DEVIL'

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