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 ~12 years ago~

"Sir. There was a cradle at your doorstep." Mary, my secretary, gestures to the pink cradle in her hands.

"Give me a moment." I get up from my desk chair, as quietly as I can, and go to the nearest sink, wash my hands, and pull up a mask. "Okay, let's see what's up." As I open the umbrella flap of the cradle.

Inside is a note taped to the envelope: Her name is Evelyn. Please take care of her, as I couldn't. I hope she lives a great life here. Tell her I love her and always will. Give her this envelope when she is 12.

Tears come to my eyes. I will care for this child. I will help her. As I'm only 24 myself, I'm new to this, but this orphanage has been in my family for generations. My degrees in philosophy and child psychology will surely help me along the way. As a family, our goal has always been to help each and every child that ends up here. I wish we could have helped this baby's parents as well. But this cradle seems expensive- and the note has the royal seal on it- what happened?

Nevermind. It's not my business. She can find out with the note when she is old enough.

"Okay, Fayette, can you log her in and-"

"Fink, I know!" She says with a smirk. That woman. 

I think he LiKeS her- i see a ship forming... :D

Evelyn's JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora