The Box of Chocolates

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Draco giving  Harry chocolates because he heard he encountered a nasty dementor in train. 


(Hogwarts third year) 

After the incident in the train, everyone was curious about what really happened at Harry's compartment. At school, they received a lot of staring and little bit of whispering wondering what happened to them and how he fainted

"Merlin their staring is starting to creep me out" Ron said and Hermione just gave him a weird look "Ron honestly we've been receiving that kind of stares since we are first year how come you are not used to it?" Hermione said while smirking and making harry giggle a little.

On the way to the great hall, Harry suddenly felt a sharp pain in his forehead causing him to slow down. Ron is the first one to notice that Harry is no longer walking with them and when he looked back, he immediately went to him giving him a worried look. Ron asked if he was okay, but Harry just nod his head and said "I'm okay go to the feast you might miss it because of me" Ron and Hermione was really hesitating to leave Harry alone but after what happened in the train, Hermione sense that Harry wants to be alone. He tap Harry's back and went to the Great Hall with Ron even though  they are really worried about their friend. 

Harry sat down for a minute in the bench and when he was about to go, he  heard someone calling his name. 

"Potter!" He looked back and noticed it was a blond boy calling him. Harry was hesitant to acknowledge the bloke because he knew, that boy will just tease him.  

Harry walk faster but damn, this might  be his worst day because Malfoy and his friends are walking even more faster 

"You might be a great seeker but you are a slow runner" Malfoy said and his friends just laugh with him  "what do you want Malfoy? Here to tease me again?" Harry said and rolled his eyes. 

Without hesitation, Malfoy pulled something in his robe and gave small box of chocolate to potter. 

"Eat this, it will make you feel better" Malfoy said and give the box to Harry. He was shocked for a second and definitely no idea what to do, until Malfoy spoke again. 

"Don't  worry Potter I didn't put any poison on that sweets. Don't be paranoid" Malfoy smirked

Harry was too stunned to speak and he just ignored what happened and went to the great hall. 


"Malfoy gave you what?!" Ron said while petting Scabbers in the Gryffindor common room. " I know I am shocked too you know" Harry said while looking for box of chocolate and deciding whether he should eat or not. Minutes Later, Hermione joined them in the common room.  Hermione inspected the box of chocolate and she didn't notice anything strange like hex or poison to eat. "I think its just a box of chocolate Harry I think Malfoy heard you got nasty encounter with the dementor at the train" Hermione explain which makes Harry and Ron made "ohh" 

Harry ate one piece of the chocolate before he went to sleep and Hermione is right. There is nothing wrong with the chocolate and it make him feel better and the pain he has in his forehead lessen. 


The next day, 

Harry was running late to his next class. He was too busy helping Ron find his rat when it suddenly ran away and didn't notice the time. Luckily, Professor Snape did not notice Harry was late in his class because he was writing something on the board. 

There is no available seat except in Malfoy's place so he got no choice but to sit beside him. 
"Late again Potter?" Malfoy said while smirking and Harry just rolled his eyes.

While in class, Professor Snape is explaining the potion they were going to make today. It is a complex portion so he advised everyone to work in pair. Too bad, everyone is paired up already and there is no Ron or Hermione because both of them are in their muggle classes. 

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