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Cinnamon. That was what Erwin smelled like. It was always what he smelled like. He could be drenched in sweat or even smell like a pool of body spray, but to Levi, he could always smell cinnamon.

Especially the nights when Levi would wrap his legs around Erwin's waist and trace his hand down the blond man's neck. His skin smelled of cinnamon.

Cuddling Erwin was like holding a warm blanket after it's been dried. Feeling Erwin's hands curve themselves up Levi's slim frame to caress his body felt breathtaking. Each soft kiss layed onto Levi's collarbone made him feel light headed. But the ravishing kind.

The kind where you can feel your heart warm up and you just need something to hold, to have, to need. The kind where you want to be engulfed in your lover's embrace until you feel as if you're a part of them.

Words dripped off of Erwin's lips like honey during these moments. Sweet tea that Levi craved after a long day could come off of his husband's lips and that was all he needed.

" you're beautiful . "

As simple as that. It was what made Levi's hands fiddle around Erwin's hair and squeeze himself tighter against the man. These moments last forever but fly by faster than Levi could imagine. He wanted to stay in this time and never leave. He didn't want to fall asleep just to wake up and repeat the same routine. It had all been too tiring and it wore Levi out.

To lay in the arms of the one he loved was all he really needed. Just to relax and feel weightless, the noise drowned out by Erwin's warm breath on Levi's chest. It was just them. Kisses, back rubs, and humming. That was all Levi could hear. It was precious to him, something he couldn't live without.

Warm lips snuck across a cold neck. Levi's connected with Erwin's. Levi put his hand on Erwin's cheek and tilted his head. Shifting closer to inhale the heated breath he let go, gazing into blue eyes. Just us, Levi thought. Just us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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