001. Junior high school student, a boy

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 He boarded the train at station A and sat down on a two-seater seat with trepidation.

 He gingerly looks around at the hanging advertisements and passengers on the train. There was no sign of a smartphone. I guess he's not allowed to have one, since he's probably still in the third year of junior high school. Today is the day of the public high school entrance exam. He was on his way to the school of his choice for the entrance exam.

 He was wearing a dark blue blazer, a white shirt, and a dark red scarf around his neck. On top, he wears a neat school uniform, but underneath, he wears blue windbreaker pants. It was a strange outfit that no high school student who cares about clothes would wear. It was a stormy day, with the first rain and wind of spring raging in the morning, so she probably wore the pants on the advice of her parents. The unevenness of his top and bottom emphasizes his youthfulness even more.

 He is still immature. He's not slender, but his Asian frame is thin, and he doesn't have much muscle. His skin is smooth and acne-free. His face is shallow and uneven, unmarked by the troubles of the world. The tips of his short hair bounced all over the place in his sleep, which was also irresistible.

 But he's not a child anymore.

 Confidence - a calmness that I have done all I can do.

 Anxiety - the fear that my future is uncertain.

 With these two things living together in his eyes, he is no longer a child who is not trying.

 With a bag full of writing materials and reference books in his arms, he heads for the future, the site of the entrance exam.

03.01 Rainy then sunny

※In Japan, students enter high school in April, so they have entrance exams between January and March.

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