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"Maybe i should stop getting drunk and nasty..." my friend Isabel groaned in while she was lost in her thoughts.
"you think??!" It was another day of her making out with multiple people, again regretting to drink so much, the hungovers she had to expierence every time she went out. She laughed in response, obviously dismissing the possibility of her stoping this bad habit of hers, getting "drunk and nasty" I simply rolled my eyes on her
"Oh c’mon Skie, you know you enjoy listening to my crazy stories!"
Instead of paying attention to class, she would go on about last night in perfect detail, who was her favorite "toy" and what they did. Sometimes even too specific, but i can't complain it's really fun to listen to them.
Isabel and I, we are the complete opposite of each other.
She is Latina, tanned, has afro hair, likes to get drunk, makes out with random people, is good in art, loves to sing in her perfect yet low female voice, is really bad in maths and Gods sake, she is crrrazy.
I, on the other hand, am pale, had cold grey eyes, have short black wavy hair, very competitive, academically gifted, very sportive and friends with everyone. I mean so is Isabel, but she knows how to show someone she doesn’t like them so they don't approach her.
I envy her wild lifestyle, out there living life at the fullest.
Then theres me, who hasn’t even experienced her first kiss yet.
"Hey, wanna hang out today?" Isabel said as she pulled me out of my thoughts. i just nodded at her. And so she got quite and started to struggle with her Mathematics again.
"Alright class you are done for today!" Announced our teacher.
"Fuckin finally, i thought my head was gonna explode!" I laughed a bit at her remark.
"Ayoo Isabel, wassup!" Shouted a male voice. Shit, i could recognize that voice anywhere. Alessio. Ughh how much i hate him. Honestly, he annoyes me to the brink of madness. He always has the need to talk to Isabel all the time, He is better than me in sports, he doesn’t pay attention in class and it seems like he’s always in the wrong place.
Oh and he looks gay to me.
  But apparently others don't think that since he always has a new victim. If you know what I mean. He is great friends with Isabel, which i don't get. She always tells me to not judge him for what he does but for what he is. I have, but he is just getting on my nerves.
  "Sup aless!" She shouted back and punched him in his stomach. He moaned out of pain and screamed "COULD YOU STOP DOING THAT?!" She and I were just laughing at the scene before us.
   "So what brings you here, dear brother?" She asked him in a British accent. I remember asking why she won't date Alessio because they got along so damn well. She looked at me disgusted and screamed "do you want me to commit incest woman??" Now that i think about it, made my lips form a little grin.
    "I may have found a girl i like." Fuckin again? Who is the stupid bitch this time- felt my fists clench as i looked at my phone to hide my annoyance…wait why am I getting annoyed about it?
      "And who is the lucky one this time? " Isabel asked.
       "Well you know Leoni" oh..that bitch? I couldn’t stand her at all.
 She is like a pest to me. Why is it her? Isabel suddenly stared at me and started to smirk at me.
"Why are you looking at me like this?" I felt myself blush a bit, i don’t think she noticed though.
"It's nothing.. really" she giggled a bit.
 "Uh anyway, I have to leave now, c ya later" thank God he left.
 "Bro...i think i have the perfect match for you!" She laughed evily.
  "Really who???" I asked her excited. She looked behind me. Oh fuck no. She can't be serious right?
"ALESSIO?!" I screamed/ whisperd.
"Have you lost your mind? you know i hate him and you know why!" She just kept smirking.
"I know you just got jealous and I know that the stuff you hate about him could actually make you like him" that was the most weirdest thing she said in awhile. I just stared at her in disbelief. The fuck?
I had packed my bags and gone with isabel to the bike stands, only to realise she was going to be picked up from school by her parents. Great… i thought.
I got on my bike and rode off. I soon got lost in my thoughts, knowing the path home too well my hands drove me where i wanted to be driven without a second thought. Problem was, that gave me more than enough time to think about Alessio. I bit back a curse, feeling guilty for playing a game that hadn’t seemed like mine to play. He wouldn’t leave my mind, It's like Its haunting me.
Me? And him? Never. Not a chance. We were so different, i was way out of his league, he was no match, even with his black locks, his sharp jawline, his muscular body and his viny hands- WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT?
                  𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐞       𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫

 We were so different, i was way out of his league, he was no match, even with his black locks, his sharp jawline, his muscular body and his viny hands- WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT?                         ~ꨄ︎~                                     𝐒�...

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               𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨    𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨   

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