Chapter 2: ✨With the team✨

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Dude with mask: How about we share some things about ourselves?

Dude with mask: I'm Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and things I hate? I don't feel like telling you that... My dreams for the future? Never really thought about that. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies.

Y/n: You basically just gave us ur name-

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n and I like *insert something u like* and I dislike *insert dislike :)*, my dream is to become a great Shinobi.

Naruto: My name is Naruto and I like comparing ramen from Ichiraku, and I dislike a lot of things, my dream is to become Hokage!*

Depressed boi Sasuke: My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like tomatoes, I don't like sweet food, and there's a certain someone I want to kill.

Sakura: My name's Sakura Haruno and I like-

She looked at Sasuke and giggled

Sakura: And I dislike NARUTO!

Sakura: And my goal is to-

She once again looked at Sasuke and giggled

Kakashi: Alright today we will take a test, if you fail I will send you back to the academy

Sakura: You can't do that!

Y/n: Well shit.

You muttered

Kakashi: I will have 4 bells in my hand, you guys have until noon to take one from me, if you fail to grab one I'll send you back to the academy.

In hiding spot~

Naruto: I'll just get all 4 bells for us with my shadow clone, believe it!

Y/n: I don't think that's a good ide-

Naruto jumped up from the  spot you guys were in and attacked Kakashi with 4 clones

Sakura: bEliEvE iT

Kakashi knew which ones were fake so he dodged all of the clones and aimed for Naruto.

Kakashi: A thousand years of death!

Kakashi yelled as he sent Naruto to the moon (to infinity and beyond😔)


We had to move to another spot quickly since Naruto gave away where we were, and then that's when it hit me, this was about teamwork, we had to use teamwork to get the bells

As we got in a new spot Naruto was being tied up to a tree since he had already fallen back to earth.

Y/n: Guys we have to use teamwork to get the bells

Sasuke: So you finally figured it out huh?

Y/n: So you knew this whole time?!

Sasuke: Yeah

Y/n: Well why didn't you say anything?!

Sasuke: I didn't want to.

Y/n: And that's why you have no friends

Sasuke: I don't need friends

Y/n: And no one needs you

Sakura: I need you!

Y/n: Anyways what's the plan?

Sakura: How 'bout we get him from behind?

Y/n: oH mY gOd WhY dIdN't I tHiNk Of ThAt

Sakura: You don't have to be so mean y'know!

Y/n: And you don't have to be so annoying.

Sakura: I hate you!!

Y/n: Should I care?

Sakura: Ugh

Then Sasuke whispered a plan to you guys

Y/n: Welp if it doesn't work I can always just cheat my way through the test.

Sakura: Let's do it!


*A/n: When they're introducing themselves I couldn't remember what they liked and disliked so yea, again ty for making it this far!❤️

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