Chapter 1: André oh André...

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If you would know, the red lums would physically and mentally corrupt from their fear being triggered. Whenever they all had a specific one or they all had the common fears everyone else has and experiences, they sure are not the ones to mess around with when it comes to them coming to become frightened. Because oh boy you wish you would've not been there...

Well you aren't there but- Still!

Now, I will set upon this story of how our limbless hero Rayman had saved the world from destruction yet again. And of course him and Murfy just, getting caught up with some romantic stoof-

Let us- me- Now I'll begin...


It was on a starry and quite a cloudy night. The skies were dark blue and the air was almost as warm, a warming cold exactly. But it was the type of cold everyone there in the glade of dreams would like and love or hate. It was certainly liked, and loved.

A red lum would fly over through the night sky every now and then like a fairy doing her usual flying activities.

Meanwhile to what it seems like possibly, some of the fairy council was taking this creature elsewhere to a safe place or whatever. A mammoth? A dog? An unknown species maybe, just to it's name. Some of the blue teensies from the said council was walking off in front of it making sure that it doesn't escape.

Of course Murfy himself was there, having to push the guy forward since it would stop walking every now and then due to whatever it was it's reasonable explanation for. He had to admit it was pretty annoying but then again he was quite a strong guy so it's not too much of a bother for him doing this part of the job for the night huh.

It had also been a bit since he saw Rayman yet again. He was so caught up with his fairy council career anyways, and other usual life things y'know. But oh well, maybe he might see him soon. He did pretty much like him, platonically of course back in the Arena days and that, despite the limbless male giving him presents and that so much to which he thought it was either some silly crush or a stupid joke all along set up.

But that's when he saw a familiar creature he did not want to lay his eyes on again. A black sort of creature with wings, like a fly. With yellow eyes and red pupils like some strange monster from a cartoon. He then gulped a little bit. "Hang on there fellas, I just gotta see if-" He flew off a bit to get a better more of a look on what was happening, to which it was André! And he had a swarm of his kind too! Murfy screamed and immediately flew off to find a safe place to hide right away.

André and the swarm then became a hoodlum by doing this merging thing and of course now he had a sort of gun, lucky him! He then looked over to the forest, PRETTY MUCH A FOREST YEAH, and saw a red Mushroom with white dots decorated on it's sorta head. But it was shaking, André had thoughts about a possibility of someone being behind it and hiding to which he was correct! With Murfy behind it hiding completely yet shaking so much as he became a nervous wreck already. He was scared, who wouldn't be terrified?

André then swinged over his weapon to hit over the red plant and Murfy yelped out, immediately flying off trying to get away from André as soon as possible. Wait, he could get Rayman to help with the situation! The limbless hero would always know what to do!

To which brings us to Rayman and his long time best friend Globox, sleeping under a tree as they'd both usually do. Snoring so quitely, so peacefully.

Then Murfy accidentally flies onto the tree with a cut off scream of his and fell onto Globox and bouncing off to the ground. Globox had his eyes partially open for a bit, then waking up to hearing nearby footsteps confused. He then saw André running up to the three and immediately yelped and jumped on the tree! Him and Murfy then focused on waking up Rayman to which both didn't prevail sadly.

Globox had also accidentally taken off Raymans hands and just ran off with them. Murfy just face palmed and sighed. He then grabbed onto the other males hair, to which that actually woke up Rayman getting him confused of course because he would do anyone would do, and began flying off with Raymans hair being grabbed pretty much by the frog fairys hands.

And that's where their adventure begins...


(I'm pretty proud of this! Though I should be getting to sleep now lol- Anyways the usual; This chapter was worked on and published on 14/12/2021)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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