December 14th 2021

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It was a normal day at school, I wanted to get out of my b3 class since I didn't have anything to do so I messaged Ms.Bailey if I could chill in her office for that class but I ended up chilling in her office for the next block. I got to skip social studies so it wasn't much of a problem for me! When I got the pass I was going to her office when I saw Alex walking with her into the office which concerned me and made me confused. I walked into the office as she was sitting him down and she said I could pull up a chair next to him so I did and she had to go do something so while she was gone I was there comforting alex. Alex said a guy was moving to get to another person and they ended up rubbing his body against alex which kinda triggered him and then later on he was pushed into the pencil sharper which set off his anxiety more since these events with his trauma didn't mix well together. After alex chilled out for a bit I started to kinda set the mood happier by talking about how Ms. Bailey had a tiny heater in her room and then a microwave, it's like a little home at school! She came in and we started talking about movies and books then she had to go since there was a kid that needed help so she put us in the meeting room, we often go there when we're chilling or If I'm there with him or with isatu to calm them down. We ended up sitting there just waiting for her but the bell rang and since b4 was our last block we could just leave from there. Me and alex left after I asked Ms.Bailey to give me one more paw point so I can watch the movie tomorrow since I needed one more but she ended up giving me 2! We walked down to his mum-mum and waited a bit since he had to call his mom and make sure he could go over to my house again which she said yes then we continue to walk to my car and alex got in since my mom also said yes. On Tuesday for Wawa it's free coffee day so I asked my mom if we could go get coffee, she agreed and went we got there we got snacks and drinks then we payed and headed home. When we got back we wanted to go to the park so I changed and we went off! We went to the creek first as always and sat down in the sewer on the dry part and chilled out for a bit then I wanted to go swing on the swing so we quickly got out and went over to the park across the creek. We sat down and in about 10 minutes these two boys came out of a van, they looked like they were 5 and honestly were so short they reached like below my shoulder. We were talking and minding our our business then we wanted to sit on these benches that they had below the playground. One of the boys was standing above and was on his phone while we were talking and I started to call Rae since I wanted to see what they were up to but the boy came over almost above me and alex and said "what are your pronouns?" To alex. Alex stated that they were he/him and the boy was on the phone with someone and kinda whispered but it was like he wanted us to hear him. He said we were emo kids and it pissed me off because he said alex looked like a girl, he had no rights to say that about my friend so I made my statement and said "do you think you can say that about him?" And we ended up cursing each other out and as we were leaving he yelled "have a nice day" and I flipped him off and yelled fuck you which felt like sweet victory but so much not. Me and alex talked about the boys the whole way home but we decided that we didn't want to go back to my house yet and I knew where this geocash was at which was around behind my house so we started walking there and ended up walking all the way to the bridge that had a railroad on top and a hole for cars to get through and walked on the other side which it had a creek path and we sat on the fence staring at the water kinda just cooling off from the boys. Alex walked all the off the fence and sat down with his legs hanging over into the water part while I leaned on the safe side but didn't get on the  fence. I walked across the fence since there was another side and it was the same thing but then I saw a trail and we like to explore the trails so we thought it was a good idea to explore this one since it was new and looked untouched. We were wrong, when alex came over and we started walking I came across two deer legs in front of me, at first I thought it was just the legs but then there was some hair with it that didn't make sense? But then alex saw that the body was buried in the leaves, the head was detached from under the leave pile. Truly saddened we continued on our way and I started taking a photo then when I looked down there was a pile of bones, they were small but large, a medium sized. We ran off from that and I saw another dead deer, it's body wasn't covered but it was definitely dead by the smell and it's body. We walked around the area a bit more and alex found what seems like bird bones or some type of small animal's. Alex wanted to see the eyes since they were all black but when we both turned our flash lights on from our phones we were disgusted to see that the eyes were gone, it looked like it was just bones and skin, no brain no insides or anything just bones and skin with rotting fur.
We went home after my dad called me for us to get home since it was getting dark so when we got home we ate and my mom took alex home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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