A/N Important!!

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Hey guys!!! I've never written a thing like this before, or decided on writing a story like this one. So hopefully this sounds good idk I'm hoping I'm conveying the message properly, if not just lmk please!!!

This is a story that I really want to throw a lot into. I just wanted to address the topics in this story before hand. I am very desensitized to all of these topics. Personally relating to a lot of them, many things do not faze me anymore, it is very common in my life and the ones around me. However I know that these topics can be VERY triggering for others and the last thing I would want to do is hurt, bother, or trigger someone. However some things may be uncomfortable for some and if that is the case this just may not be the book for you and that is okay. While topics hurt me they are so common in my life that I'm used to hearing about them and discussing them. As of right now I know the story will contain these topics some into great detail or others just mentions of


-self harm

-eating disorders

-body dismorphia


-guns/ shootings

-sexual assault/ harassment

-graphic violence

-sex trafficking

-human trafficking


-drug/ substance abuse

-school shootings

The list will be updated as the writing for this story continues. I tend to go into great detail at times and I REALLY don't want you reading it if it could possibly trigger you. There will be a warning before hand for rape, assault. But not for violence because it will be so heavily incorporated into this, it's going to be throughout the entire book, possibly every chapter. However there is a chance I may forget because it might just be a quick mention, which is why I'm saying this now. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED EASILY.

As someone from Las Vegas I want to express the realities of this city that many are unaware of or look over. As someone that deals with mental illness I relate to others and will relate a lot to some of the characters. I will be adding personal experiences into this because I know I can bring more detail and emotion into it.

Now I know many Harry fanfic readers love smut, and I enjoy my fair share of it as well. But I don't know how much this story will have just because I've never written it before. I do want to try it out and include it. I enjoy stories that have beautifully written scenes I just don't know if I will be able to do that until I get to the part in the story. I just want to throw that out here for some of you as a warning. I want this to be a slow burn story and really establish and build the charterers and plot in this story.

Another note this is kind of a dark Harry story, they're will definitely be a soft side and character development that softens him but this is not some crazy dark Harry story. I'm all for major character development I think it's a beautiful thing in books and in real life.

I want people to read and to enjoy the book but also be FULLY aware of the content that it is going to contain. I'll probably end up updating this some more as I write but this is what I can think of for now.

Just remember if you don't like it please don't read. Also be kind please, actually publishing a chapter is a lil scary even tho I'm convinced no one is actually going to read it, but in small chance people do be nice pleaseee and this note is very important!!!!!

I love y'all and remember to tpwk ;)
Oma <3

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