Ch 1: Love At First Sight. ~🔪

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Kayleigh POV:
Another boring day. More boring customers. More boring work. I work as cashier, at a pretty huge store. Many people come in, grab a shit-ton of stuff, pay for it, then leave without a word. None of them are very interesting anyway. Most have kids. Very few don't.

I lean on the counter, sighing. Maybe tomorrow will be better...

Then this lady walks up. A complete Karen. Has the haircut, the glasses, everything. Looked about 20.

Well fuck- i gotta fucking deal with this bitch?!

Guess I zoned out or somethin' since the next thing i know she's yelling at me like She's been waiting there for an hour. It's only been a few seconds.


"WOAH! SORRY LADY, NO NEED TO YELL!" I yell back. It was obviously sarcastic. Man, I hate this job.

Even after screaming at me, she went and tried to get a ton of money off of it with expired coupons. I even showed her many times that they were expired, but she wouldn't budge. We had drawn a lot of attention by then, but the he came.

"Miss, please leave her alone, she's just doing her job." He says.

I silently thank him. The lady huffs, then turns to him, her mood changing completely when she sees him.

"O-oh... well, fine. But only for you, cutie~"

Ugh, gross...

"Miss, please just pay for your stuff and leave. Im to tired for this shit..." I say, mumbling the last part. She does as asked, then leaves, blowing a kiss at him and winking.

I turn back to him, and he looks disgusted. He's tall, probably about 6 ft. I had to admit, he did look cute. His hair was shaved so it was all on top, and it looked like a tiny bush. It was WAY curly. His skin was a tan, but more on the darker side, and he was pretty slim. His arms weren't noodles, but they weren't beefy either. The same with his legs. He was wearing shorts and a bright orange shirt. He looked like a hot highlighter.

Don't come at me I'm terrible at describing things 🥲 ~🔪

"Thanks. I was not about to deal with her today.." i say, and he turns back to me.

"It's no problem, and i could tell you were done with her already." He replies, laughing a bit. I join in.

Soon enough, it's time for me to check out.

"Well, it's been fun, but I've gotta go." I say. "Maybe we can meet up again later. I'll be here tomorrow, same time."

"Sure! I've got nothing else to do tomorrow, so I'll be here! Hey, I never got your name." He replies.

"Kayleigh. You?" I say.

"Dylan. See you tomorrow!" And with that, he leaves.

I pack my stuff and get ready to leave, and i can't stop thinking about him.

I think I'm in love.

Let Me Love you~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang