Chapter 1: A Mobster's Demise

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"I told him I'd take a bullet for him. I didn't expect him to be the one trying to shoot it." These are the words I formulated to the (to say the least) burly man in the driver's seat next to me, driving at what I could only believe was an alarming speed for the most part.

"Adah, you killed my brother! Surely you can't be the one searching for sympathy!" He blurted; his words laced with aggression. His slitted eyes shifted swiftly between me and the road. Who knew a man could get so defensive over a woman killing her mobster husband? Do I need to remind him of his rank under me?

"I'm sorry he caught me plotting his murder, Adam. Honestly," I voiced, a sarcastic undertone lining my vocals. I killed his brother! So what? He was going to die anyways. That man had no plan to create a strategy: it was only a matter of time!

He growled like a canine to those words. "Aww... Getting a bit worked up there Adam?" Following the words, a scoff arose from me. Police sirens slowly growing in volume as the masculine figure's anger slowly grew, his grip tightening around the steering wheel. After a matter of seconds, a police car soon drove up to the side of my chrome jeep, getting so close a scratch was drawn into the side. With a sigh, I moved to lean in the car door, shooting a bullet almost flawlessly through the window and into the police driving. Couldn't they see I was busy trying to get this buffoon to take his ego down a peg or two? "Still haven't gotten an answer Adam," I cooed in an almost alluring manner, my ivy-stained eyes narrowing in a challenging fashion as I reloaded my AMT AutoMag V, blowing the smoke from the barrel.

"Shut it will you?"

"Now that's no way to speak to your sister-in-law Adam, is it? I'm sure Lile would agree" A rather annoying smirk formed from the structure of my lips; fully expecting him to attempt an attack. Ooo! He may strangle me! How fun! Instead, his toes seemed to curl within his abyss-black combat boots. Oh, the entertainment that would follow such actions surely would be exciting.

"I don't know why he didn't kill you when he had the chance," He spoke with such agitation. It was hilarious!

"Simple really. He didn't have a gun and wasn't trained in melee. You as his elder brother should only blame yourself. After all, your father left the gang to Lile yet left you to train him." There was no way these words wouldn't cause him aggression; he was almost certainly going to lose it. All I said was truth keep in mind: no lies were uttered. Well... There may be the odd lie now and again in the future but what can I say? Lies travel faster than the truth.

"Adah if I wasn't driving, I can assure you, you'd be 6 feet under." He spoke with such assertiveness. I could hardly stop myself from laughing!

Another posse of police cars sped from behind. The road was clear ahead – most likely because they had closed the highway – allowing the car to continue forward as I bent forward to reach the massage button on the dashboard. To my surprise, he had swatted my hand away! He did remember who I was didn't he? He wasn't diagnosed with dementia. Although... Was he high? Could possibly explain the aggression.

"Don't tell me you found my coke Adam..." I spoke almost sarcastically, brushing my dark braided hair out of my line of sight as I moved my index finger to the trigger yet again. Only a jeer emerged from the masculine. Oh... When we get to Ohio this man is the definition of dead. Well- possibly subdued. Wouldn't want to lose this possible form of assistance. After all: he still needed his ego to be damaged in some way.

I'd have to wait to poke fun at him for at moment though. I climbed into the back of the car; gun pointed to the roof before I aimed it towards the cars. Now, the more experienced gun... Men... May be wondering why I didn't let off a warning shot. Simple. It was a single action gun. Need I say more? Within seconds, cars were crashing into one another as the one leading the conscientious parade spun in circles, the driver lifeless with a wound in the dead center of his forehead. The somewhat amusing sight was accompanied by the sound of a gunshot. The ricochet only slightly affected me however as the experience I had behind a gun was almost immeasurable. "And that's what a 50 caliber can do," I chimed, the joy (almost playfulness) in my vocals that could potentially bring my brother-in-law at ease leading the statement as I turned to face him, my scarred elbows upon the back of the chairs as my chin rested upon his broad shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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