They Say I'm Too Young to Understand

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They say I'm too young to understand adult matters.

Maybe that same attitude

leaves gang trodden youths dead on the paves where blood splatters.

Every young generation is tainted with that same negative brush.

We fill the tabloids with drugs, drink and violence,

like vampires on blood lust.

All that is done by such,

is to break and crush our trust

but we press on as we must,

to find a place in this broken world that you entrust.

Am I too young to understand

that we are children born in chaos?

A lost generation,

because these adults wage wars

like a teenager, who's hit puberty and just discovered masturbation.

Can't support the war,

leaving the nation vulnerable to inflation.

All in a desperate quest for oil,

when they can't feed the starving and homeless on their own soil.

How it makes my blood boil.

Am I too young to understand

how imperial powers broke international law

by waging a war in Iraq?

And that we "saved lives and spread democracy",

by launching a pre-emptive attack.

And I am too young to understand

how our egocentric societies marginalise the unfortunate,

causing the dejected to crack,

and blame the ignorant majority for all they lack.

But what do I know?

I'm just the next generation

looking forward to taking up their slack.

I suppose I am too young to understand

why we are so quick to close down borders?

That there could be terrorists amongst fleeing refugees

as their land is ravaged by bombs and weapons

distributed under our own governments' orders.

The press treat the innocent and desperate

like a plague of evil marauders.

Am I too young to understand

how nationalism grows

under the false ideas of a nation state?

How politicians and parties use immigration

and external scapegoats

to enflame hate.

Two world wars were caused by nationalistic ideals

and the divisions they create.

And when I speak out

and they say you're too young,

you do not understand.

I will say no!

I grow up quick and I grow up strong

because I have to put right,

everything you have done wrong.

They say I'm too young to understandWhere stories live. Discover now