❤️Forced To Date💙

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"Mom! You can't!" Sora protested.

Sora's mom shook her head. "You have to give Jaxx a chance, sweetie."

"But Mom! We're j-just friends! I can't date my friend!!" But Sora knew there was no way he was going to be able to change his mother's mind. He knew that when his mom had her mind set on something, it was really hard to change her mind.

Sora then ran upstairs and locked himself in his room. He pulled Discord up on his computer. He needed to complain to someone right now. The first person who popped into his mind was his best friend, Light. Light was such a good listener. He really cared about what Sora said and they both called each other if they had a problem first.

Sora called Light and Light answered almost instantly. "Hey dude, what's up?" Sora's best friend asked him.

Sora sighed. "I have to date Jaxx."

"So? You like him, right?"

Sora felt his cheeks get warm. It was true. He did like Jaxx. He didn't respond though.

Light continued. "I'll take that as a yes. Plus Jaxx likes you too! It all works out Sora."

"You don't know for a fact that Jaxx likes me!" Sora retorted. "He could like... a girl for all we know!!"



"He's gay. I thought you knew?"

"Are-are you sure?"

"My guy I literally asked him last night. You heard me ask him. You heard his answer. Sooooo... he's gay."

Sora sat there for a moment. "Okay. Thanks for the info, man." And then he muted himself.

Then he turned off his camera and danced around his room for what felt like hours until Light cleared his throat. "Yo, you still there?"

"Sorry," Sora said, unmuting himself and turning on his camera. "Just gotta catch my breath."

"You were dancing around your room like a maniac again, weren't you?"

"Maaaaaaayyyyybeeeeeeeee." Sora stretched out the word.

Somebody off-screen called for Light, and Sora instantly knew it was Alex. Light muttered something under his breath and turned his attention back to Sora. "Sorry dude. Alex wants to talk to me about this huge rap competition I signed up for."

"You signed up for a rap competition?" Sora asked. He didn't know Light could rap. Light had never tried to rap in front of other people. Unless you counted that video where the squad played Among Us but they could only sing.

"Yeah. Now I have to practice, like, 24/7. How am I supposed to practice skateboarding? I can't because Alex wants me to practice 24/7." Light groaned. "After the rap competition I have to go to a skateboard contest. Goddamn I have a lot of stuff to get done."

"Don't overwork yourself buddy. You're as busy as Alex now."

"I know... I've been missing some videos lately and the fans want to know where I've gone. Some people are saying that I actually left the squad." Light sighed. "Like, come on, I guess I kinda see where they're coming from but I only missed one video because I was in a snowstorm or something. Anyways I gotta go now. See ya!" With that, Light hung up.

Sora called Jaxx next.

Jaxx picked up. "I guess you heard huh? We're... uh... we're 'dating' now, I guess."

"Yes." Sora looked down, trying to control his blush. "Uh... w-we a-are... and honestly..." His voice trailed off. Then nine words came out of Jaxx's mouth that made Sora's head shoot up.

"I mean... I'm not disappointed. I like you anyways."

"You... you do?"

"Oh sh- did I not mute myself?! I-I thought I..."

"That was awkward but lovely." Sora smiled. He ended the call and before going to bed, he typed a final Discord message to Jaxx:

i like you too you idiot.

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