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"Get back here, you rat with scales!" Prince Remus shouted as he chased his brother's pet dragon down the castle halls. He lunged forward, nearly grabbing the slippery lizard but getting bunched up carpet in his arms instead. He growled and pushed himself back up.

"I'd rather be a rat than an oversized moldy grape like you!" Maggie shot back, flicking her tail at him mockingly as she jumped up onto the upper wall trimmings, far out of Remus's reach. She snickered to herself satisfactorily and curled up on the small platform. She quickly woke up again at the sound of something shattering right next to her. When she looked back at Remus, he was holding a vase, and the remnants of another were now scattered below her. He reeled back his arm to throw the next. She yelped and scurried along down the trimmings, dodging vases coming at her like cannonballs. She looked over her shoulder to see Remus not too far behind, but he was out of vases. She smirked victoriously.

"Aha! Ah!" Her victory was cut short when the trimmings suddenly ended, and they tumbled into the wider room that had a large staircase leading to the second floor. Remus pounced on her as soon as she hit the floor, trapping her under his body like he was acting as a shelter for her from the rain. She wriggled around, trying to escape, but it was no use.

"Prince Remus!" a loud, regal voice boomed. Remus looked up to see his stepmother descending down the steps with a deep frown and a glare plastered on her tight yet wrinkled face. Her personal servant stood next to her with his hood up and his head down, ready to answer to whatever she asked for. "Show some dignity, boy!" Remus tightened his grip on Maggie, then stood up. Queen Delinda's frown faded back into the usual thin line of her lips. "Your brother is coming back from one of his adventures today." Remus gave her a firm nod, well aware of the fact. It was the reason he'd been chasing Maggie, Roman's pet and best friend, around. Delinda reached the bottom of the steps. "The watch guard saw him arriving in the distance, which means he hasn't perished yet, unfortunately." She muttered the last part under her breath.

"What was that?" Remus asked.

"Nothing, dear," she assured him, waving her hand dismissively, then gasped as she turned to the hallway. "What is this mess? Is that dragon responsible for this? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have let him keep that wretched thing!"

"It was my fault, Mother. Don't blame Roman's pet. She's innocent. I swear," Remus corrected, holding Maggie up just to show the queen how not guilty she looked. Delinda rolled her eyes and waved her hand towards her servant.

"Clean this up, Virgil, and quickly," she demanded. "Meanwhile, I'll be in my room and I want you to come find me once you are finished. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my Queen," Virgil said, quickly running out of the room to grab a dustpan and broom.

"Aren't you going to greet Roman when he returns?" Remus asked as his stepmother began to leave, his brows knitting together.

"I will see him eventually," Delinda said dismissively, already continuing on her way. She was careful to keep to the left as not to step on the many shards littering the right side of the hallway. Virgil rushed back in and squatted by the nearest pile of debris.

"Here, let me. It was my doing anyway. You just hold Maggie," Remus offered, holding out the dragon.

"I don't need to be held! I'm not a baby!" Maggie objected, still trying, and failing to get out of Remus's steel grip. He'd had enough of chasing her around the castle; he wouldn't let himself need to do it again.

"Oh, no, Your Highness. It's alright. This is my job," Virgil said, his face turning red as he met the prince's bright green eyes. He quickly moved his gaze away from the prince and back to the mess. Remus shrugged and moved to hold Maggie close against his chest once more, but the little dragon suddenly perked up, and her squirming grew a lot stronger. Remus stumbled as she wildly flapped her pale blue wings, pulling Remus towards where she was trying to go. Remus had to let go of her before she dragged him across the room. Maggie took advantage of her freedom immediately, zooming down the hallway. Remus started to cry out in frustration but stopped short when he heard familiar joyful laughter.

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