Hi Will Robinson.

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Will's pov: year 2049

"This is Will Robinson of the first Human-Robot Exploratory Group. I don't know exactly where we are right now... but it's beautiful,"

I take a long look at the swampy land ahead of us that strangely looked familiar.

The trees came up unstructured with all sorts of curves and bumps from the slightly dark water. The sun was rising on a hazy grayish-light blue sky. The vibes are there. It's actually nice.

"We hope to find something about the aliens. Anything. Hopefully we find out what they originally programmed the robots to do. SAR killed them all but why exactly was SAR so against masters and the heart? He told Robot that the heart made him weak but.." I look at Robot again and he looks back. "Turns out it made him stronger than ever. It made us stronger than ever."

I inhale deeply and release. "The air quality here is good. For now. I hope it stays like that. We don't know what this planet's cycle is and I'd rather we take our time to explore it. I don't know why Robot led us here specifically but... I feel like it'll change everything somehow."

I end the voice memo and turn to look at Robot. I can't help but smile. We have been through so much. But we're together and that's how it'll always stay. No matter what.

"Now, I ran some tests on the acidity of the soil before we stepped off the Jupiter but I still need to run some on the water," I tell Robot. I cautiously walk to the water. I kneel down and use my acidity thermometer just like I did to the soil.

"Hm. It's a little on the basic side. There might be fish here. Or it could just be the trees."

That reminds me. Seeing how many rings the trees around here have could be useful. We should also see the erosion patterns on the rocks. That would be a good start.

We go back to the Jupiter and take out supplies to set up the perimeter. "Mom come in."

"Will! John, it's Will!!" She sounds so glad to hear me which makes me smile. I'm glad to hear her too.

"How's the planet so far? How's the air? Did you check the soil and water acidity? Do you have water near you? If you don't, try to find a source. It's always good to have some."

"Mom. Stop worrying. The planet is okay so far and as you can see, so is the air." I flipped the camera and did a 360 to show her where we are.

I pointed the camera to the lake. "This lake is about 18 feet away from our Jupiter. The water here is 7.5 and soil acidity.

"Sounds good honey. And it does look strangely beautiful there. However, you need to be really careful. Mom says. "We know firsthand how unpredictable some planets can be. You have to constantly check everything you can. Will." Dad says. "Check everything off the list that I gave you weekly at least. So you'll have to keep track of the days. Oh and don't slack off on tending to the mobile crops. Most people do but you never know when you might need them." She says.

"Got it. So how are the others?" I ask curiously.

"Penny's out probably with Vjay. Judy's at work. Don is.. well probably doing something illegal and Smith is still incarcerated.. the last time we checked." Dad says. We all laugh.

"It was nice to hear you guys but I better get going and explore some more."

"Okay honey but don't hesitate to reach out to us whenever you want. Even when you feel unsure about something. Tell us." mom says. "We love you," they both say. I look at them lovingly. "I love you guys too. Bye."

it's hard to be away from them but I have to do this. I want to.

"Robot. Let's go."

I deactivate the perimeters and they go back up when we stepped out to protect our Jupiter when we aren't there. The rest of the day was full of us exploring, marking trees, testing things, recording them and the wildlife, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

It's night now and I'm a little concerned about what can happen here at night. We were on our way back to the Jupiter when I see a strange blue light emitting from a cave. Could it be another robot?

If it is a robot then there's no problem but if it's something else.. well then there might be. Either way, I have to know what it is. "Stay here Robot" I cautiously go into the cave, and as I get deeper, I hear the sound of rushing water become louder and louder. that must be a waterfall. And it is. The deep blue water was coming down into the large pool. Still doesn't explain where the blue light is coming from. Now... these definitely do. A bunch of small insects surround me and are spread out through the cave. They sort of look like fireflies if fireflies were blue. These little creatures illuminate the whole cave? I take a capture of it to show mom and dad later.

I take a picture of the marvel in front of me but then I see something move in the distance of the waterfall.

I take a step closer and squint trying to see better. Huh?

It's a girl.

And she's... naked? A sudden gush of wind hit my face. It suddenly got cold and I feel chills even under my suit. That water must be freezing cold. She should really not be skinny dipping in such cold water. What if she gets hypothermia?

Maybe I can leave while her back is against me before she sees me. And before I see just more than her bare back. Although I wouldn't m- Will snap out of it!!

I can't stop looking.

She brings her hands up and feels the water coming down over her. Then she runs her hands through her long dark curly hair.

I can't help but notice her curves. Her waist goes in and the start of her hips go out. Her back flexes as blue light bounces off her caramel skin, enhancing her curves. The water drips from the tips of her hair and slides down her back to back in the pool. It's weirdly mesmerizing.

I was in such a trance that I didn't notice her turning around. My eyes subconsciously look down to her- um


I can see her boobs and her nipples. wow, I-

She wipes her face to push aside the water on it to probably see me better! I have to get out of here. I quickly make my way out of the cave. This is crazy. I really hope she didn't see me. I feel like I just invaded her privacy. I'm so sorry whoever you are. What is she doing here on this planet anyway? She should be on earth or on Alpha Centauri.

Robot sees me and turns his attention towards me. He looks confused but I just walk as quickly as I can back to the Jupiter and he follows after me.

I can't stop thinking about... that... I knew dad was right when he said that planets are unpredictable but wow. This is the most unpredictable that unpredictable could get.

Perimeters off. We go back inside our Jupiter and they're on again. I sigh deeply when I melt into a chair. Robot stops in front of me. He looks confused again. I bring my hands to my face and take another deep breath. I look at Robot. "There was a girl there but I'm guessing you knew. I saw... something that I wasn't supposed to see"

Great. Robot looked even more confused. "No, it wasn't something bad. Don't worry. It was just... something very intimate. I've never seen that before." I clear my throat. "So there is another human here which means that there's probably a ship. And it's not a Jupiter. All the Jupiters are accounted for. Or did she get lost somehow? What if there are more humans here?"

I sigh. "I'm going to bed. We'll report it to mom and dad tomorrow but of course, we'll leave some details out." I smile sheepishly. "Good night Robot" we hug and I head to my room.

The sun rose already as I can see from the window. The sky looked vibrant and slightly pink. I yawned and saw that my alarm read 7:49.

"Mom come in."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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