Kaminari's Great Adventure

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inspired by "Ron's Misfortunate Life"After a long day of schoolwork, Kaminari heads to his room to sleep. From a distance Mina Ashido is seen following Kaminari to his room but why? Kaminari heads to his closet and gets changed into his Pikachu onesie (the mouse Pokémon, I am sorry if I spelled it wrong). Mina Enters his room without him noticing and gets under his bed to hide and wait out till he sleeps. Kaminari is taking his sweet ol jolly time with getting ready for bed, after he finishes the normal stuff with getting ready for bed, he stretches to make sure he will get the best sleep ever, that is why he is always in an energetic mood and happy pretty much. As he reaches down to touch his toes Mina is trying her hardest to stay hidden from Kaminari but with his constant bending down, she thinks one of these times she'll get caught but surprising to her, she didn't. After Kaminari stretching, he gets in his bed and dozes off. Mina hears him snore and peaks her head out of the bed to make sure that he is actually asleep. The coast is clear, so she getsout from under the bed, stands up and takes off her shirt along with her Bra. She looks at her chest and her bra and says, "should I do this, and is Kaminari my best bet for this." She sits the bra on his nightstand that is next to him and leaves a note on it. Mina puts her shirt back and leaves the room as quickly and quietly as possible. As she leaves his room, she sees Momo. Momo says with a hopeful tone, "did you do it Mina, did you give him your bra." Mina nods at her question, "I did Momo, it was either him or mineta and I would prefer Kaminari for him being curious and I am glad I did not choose Mineta because we already know what come from that. They leave Kaminari's door and head to there room.They opened the door and went into there room with a good sigh of relief.
Momo: "You did give him the one that would give him the part of what he was wearing or the one that would swap the the wearers part of parts with the previous wearer?
Mina: "I gave him the that would replace his part or parts with have he was wearing from the previous owner of saaid clothing, soooooo no swap."
Momo: "Good, because we would not want different parts with different people."
(SpongeBob Narrator tone) The Next day
Kaminari wakes up to the sound of saturday morning breakfast, and his alarm clock. He turns to the alarm clock to turn it off but what he sees isn't what he expects to see in his room. It was a girls bra and from the looks of it, it had a note on it. He sits up and grabs the note from the bra and it reads, "Hi Kaminari sorry for this but I am giving you this to keep the flow of magic and quirks going ish, but put this on and in the beginning it will hurt for you but it will be rewarding," sign, Anim Odihsa. At this point he is confused at what the note said and who the person is, but without thinking like he normally does, he unzips his onezee puts the bra on and zips it back up. He goes to the mirror to see if the humps from the bra is see able, but to his suprise it isn't. As he goes to grab his tooth brush he feels a slight pain in his chest, so he decides to unzip his onezee to see where the pain is coming from but he isn't able to see anything wrong. Just before zipping up his onezee, he felt his breathing get heavy and heart rate start to rise. Mina feels this in her horns and rushes to Kaminari's room. As his chest starts to hurt more he decides to get into the shower but he can't mustare up the strentgh to get up and move. He also felt that his chest muscles aren't staying muscles and turning into fat. His nipples just changed in perkyness and ummmmm sensitivity. Now time for the fun part, the chest. Kaminari knew something was up with his chest but he didn't want his chest to expand, so with that he hugs his chest tightly with the bra. As his chest slowly expands, slowly filling the bra, his chest pushes his arms out. Mina enters the room by busin down the door, she heads to where the painful grunts are coming from and sees Kaminari on the floor and in pain.
She rushes to Kaminari's side not to help him but to move his arms away/off of his ever expanding chest. As his chest was about to touch the bra, he made a final attempt to squeeze in the now two lumps of fat, but again Mina pulled his arms away. His chest finally finishes growing to the bra size and looks down at his now but good sized boobs.
Mina: "Kaminari you have BOOBS!!! How did this happen"
She says trying not to be too suspisious.
Kaminari: "I don't know this bra was on my nightstand and look good so I decided to put it on to how I would look with it on me."
Momo comes rushing into the room with a big bag of an assortment of bras that have already been put on, and not just bras, shirts, leggings, girls underwear(I don't want say the name of them), and last but not least SOCKS!!!, oh and hats, aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnndddddd also face maskes. Momo enters the bathroom and sees Mina on the floor with Kaminari and his unzipped pikachu onezee showing his boobs inside of the bra. Momo creates a human sized duffal bag for Kaminari to be put in. Momo creates a cloth with that sleepy night night smell thing that will knock anyone out in an instant. Momo creates it, knocks out Kaminari and puts him in the duffal bag,brings him to her room with all those close from all those different girls. Kaminari wakes up in Momo's bed wondering where he is because he doesn't know what Momo's room actually looks like, because him and Mineta weren't allowed to see the girls rooms for them being pervs. Kaminari turns to oneside because he feel like somebody is touch his back. So he turns and finds that it is Momo. He is suprised at what she is doing and jumps out of bed quickly, but only to fall from the weight difference, he forgot that he isn't flat anymore, on the ground he feels his zipper being undone, he looks down and see that it wasn't a painful dream after all it was actually true and real. Momo gets out of bed and Mina comes out from the shadow.
Momo: "Kaminari me and Mina well ummmmm want you, because you have been a good perv unlike Mineta, you will be able to put on any clothing and gain the previous wearers of the clothings ody parts and sensitivity."
Mina: "wait was that really the main reason why we gave him the bra? I thought it was because we need somebody to keep us good looking."
Momo: "Nope he has been a good perv and we should reward him. With being a girl for a week, if you like it then you can stay being a girl and if you don't like it then you can painfully go back to being a boy but with some few minor changes to you body. So first things first do you like those boobs or are that too big for you."
Kaminari: I look down see the top down view of them and thinking to myself that this is what girls see when they look down. "I like the view and thank you for having me be a girl for a week but I only have the chest and I still have my junk."
Momo looks in her bag of close and finds some girls underwear for him to try on to see what he likes. She puts all of them in a pile for him to just grab and try on.
Kaminari: I examine all of these and finds one with a little bit of blood on it so I avoid that one. I keep searching but none of them spark my interest, but then, "Ummmm this is kinda a weird request but, Mina can I put on yours."
Mina: My face turns bright red, "Why is that Kaminari you don't any that are in there."
Kaminari: "That not it, I want to put yours on is because, well remember that one time when Mineta was being himself but worse touching every singles girls you know where, he said that you were the only one that actually made a sound and on top of that a face and a big red flushed face at that."
Mina turns to the corner of the room.
Mina: "My Secret is out."
She takes off her pants and underwear and gives them too Kaminari. He looks in the bag of clothes a bra that came from somebody that is flat or something small. He finally finds something, it isn't what he wan't but it is small enough, he take off the bra he has on and swaps it with the smaller one. His boobs that were hanging out of the smaller bra size but began to shrink in size until they finally shrink down to fit the size of the bra.
Kaminari: "Momo I would like your bra."

Kaminari Great Genderbent Short Adventure (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now