The olive branch 1500

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The village had always been warm.

Pleasant breezes ensconced the whole thing and the sun shone day in and day out. It was a haven, isolated from everything outside that could hurt those within and the absolute lack of anything turbulent lulled everyone into a false sense of security.

No one thought the bubble would burst, so no one was prepared for what would happen to them if they left.

Although 'left' wasn't the right word in Cutters' mind.

He did not leave in the strictest sense, he was cast out along with his family and a few others. Banished to the wild planes of the world beyond the village borders to suffer for the crime of insubordination. Cutter felt a deep sense of guilt at how his actions had hurt others, but he didn't regret what he had done. 

'Put this on.' Came a voice from his left.

Gentle hands wrapped a cloak around Cutter's shoulders and the thick wool chased away the chill. He stopped walking, put his arm around his wife and kissed her softly on the top of the head, breathing in the scent of mint that wafted from her curly black locks.

'You're an angel.' He mumbled.

'Not even close.' Freya chuckled.

Cutter looked at Freya and frowned slightly, remembering that she had been forced to leave the only home she'd ever known because of him. 

'Where's the little one?' Cutter asked, trying to distract himself from his feelings of guilt. 

Freya hooked her thumb behind her at the young boy who was using a stick as a wand under the watchful eyes of the other families travelling with them. 

Cutter beamed at his son and wondered how long it would take for the world to strip him of his innocence. The sudden change of scenery had confused him at first, but when Cutter told him that all of this was just a fun adventure he accepted it and made the best of the cold grey landscape that stretched before him.

'You're crying.' Freya noticed as she swiped away Cutter's tears with her thumb.

Cutter quickly turned his face from his son and hastily wiped the tears away. He had never hidden his tears from his child, but he didn't want to explain why the tears were there this time.

'It's just the wind.' Cutter offered in answer to his wife's curious gaze. 'Luca, come here.'

Luca froze in place with his wand held aloft, presumably about to cast a mighty spell. He bolted over to his parents, wand now tossed to the ground and loose ringlets  bouncing in his face.

He stopped short just before them and offered up a cheery grin. 

'Walk with your parents for a bit.' Cutter said. 

Luca smiled brightly and nodded then fell in step with his mother and father. He had to take two steps for every one his father took, but he was determined to keep up. Freya kept a hand on Luca's shoulder to make sure he stayed with them, even though she knew that the other families walking with them would keep her child safe. 

'Do you remember when I said that we would not be returning to the village?' Cutter asked his son.

Luca nodded. 

'Well...' Cutter trailed off, unsure how to tell his son that they were wandering the wilderness with no place in mind to make a new home. 'We do not know where we'll settle down now, but it will be home as long as we have each other. Do you understand?' 

Luca's brow furrowed in confusion, but he nodded anyway.

Cutter looked to Freya for approval, hoping that she would give him the words to truly get through to Luca. She provided no words but her warm smile let Cutter know that he was on the right track. 

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