"The Start Of Wonderland"

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"What are you doing bibba?" The little girl asked as she climbed onto the chair next to her older sister before gasping "Dollies!" There were 5 dolls in total. A queen, a cat, a hatted person, a rabbit and a girl"Yup, say,  what do you think are good names for  them?" "Hmmmm, oh oh! I know! The queen will be called Rina because shes fancy and a queen but shes really nice, the kitty will be called Dotty because he has dots on him, the har dude will be Evan because he seems like a Evan" The description for 'Evan' made the older sister giggle a bit "The rabbit eill be Loonbit, she is the creator of wonderland and the girl will be will be Funlaic, she is the.....puppertier!" "Those are really great names Ashly, C'mon, lets get you to bed" "Aww....But I'm not tiiired..." The younger sister groaned "How about this, if you go to bed, I will read you a bedtime story" "oookkkk....."

'Now that Ashly is asleep, I can work on that game'

"Ashly? Ashly! Where are you! What the.....no...nonononoNONONO! WHY...WHY HER.!...why....I need to do something...Please...please work... Now i just need to wait..."

"What the....movement...? I...I did it...it worked! I saved you!....I'm sorry I'm doing this to you....but its the only way I get to see you....I said I will keep you safe.....I failed you once...."

"But I won't let that happen again, I won't let anything hurt you sis...I promise"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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