Good Luck Charm

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The moonlight glimmered through the window, casting shadows on the furniture. I stood looking out through the second story balcony window, the trees shadows stretching across the yard. I could just see the moons reflection on the water in the pond.

 I slid the balcony door open, walking out to the rail. The wind was harsh sending my long brown hair in every direction. It was cool for a summer night in New Orleans. A storm was coming.

            The rain began to fall leaving cold droplets on my bare arms. I looked up to the sky letting it fall upon my face. I sighed and grinned slightly, feeling perfectly at ease as the thunder started to rumble. The lightening lit up the sky with its bolts.

  “What on earth are you doing out here Aurora?”

I turned around to see my Aunt Mara watching me with folded arms. So much for peace. “I’m just watching the storm,” I replied quickly.

  “Well get inside before you get sick,” She said angrily.

We walked into the kitchen and I sat in my usual spot at the counter.

    “Dry off and I’ll make you some hot tea,” She said sighing heavily and handing me a towel.

I watched as she placed a teakettle on the stovetop. Mara took out two mugs and tea bags and placed them on the counter in front of me.

   “Are you out of your mind?” She asked pointedly.

Clearly not expecting an answer I replied, “No.” She shook her head and took the teakettle off of the stove as it began to whistle. Pouring water in each of the cups she looked at me. “Would you like honey?”

  “Yes ma’am.”  She handed me my cup and I took a sip.

“Is there anything you’d like to talk about Aurora?” Aunt Mara asked, surprising me a little.

     “No, not at all.” Leaving it at that, I took my mug and went upstairs to my room.

            Closing the door behind me, I walked over to the window seat.

Living with my aunt had its ups and downs. I was forced to come here when my parents died in a car accident. Their car slid on the ice and flipped, sending them rolling down a hill. Tragic I know.

        I wasn’t very close with them anyways. Mom was always busy with her catering business and Dad with his fancy office job.

    Aunt Mara was the only willing one to take me in. She lived in a house with more than enough room for just her. She gave me the blue room. Filled with antique furniture and a large bed. This was my favorite room in the house. The view was spectacular. It saw out to the largest tree in the yard and just past that was the pond.

The sun woke me the next morning. I had fallen asleep on the window seat and I’d forgotten to close the curtains.

    I got up and went through my usual routine. Washing my face, brushing my hair and dressing. When I went down to the kitchen Aunt Mara was cooking her usual eggs, bacon and cheese grits.

   “Good morning dear,” Aunt Mara greeted me pleasantly.

“Morning.” I replied simply as I got a glass of orange juice. Placing a plate in front of me and taking a seat of her own she asked, “What are your plans for today?”

   “Nothing really. I was thinking of going into town. Maybe check out the stores.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Aunt Mara agreed. We finished eating and went our separate ways. I put on my shoes, grabbed my car keys and left the house.

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