Cruel Clocks (APHSpain x Reader)

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WARNING! This does have violence in it. I would love some feed back on it it would be really great. I Really Hope You Like It. ^^ This is based on the video above ^

       "He loved working on clocks it was his passion. Almost as much as he loved me.... I remembered when he first found me in a old Grandfather Clock when he was younger . I guess he knew I was a robot with a abandoned creator. So he took me in and i've been with him ever since... He protected me when i had no one else. I still have a memory of him and our last moments. His name was Antonio and he was a Horologist a Clockmaker. And we would always go to the old abandoned Clock tower. That's a day I will never forget............." 
     "That should about do it." Antonio said as he slowly putting the last part in placed. You glanced over at him. He turned to you and smiled. "Well ______ ........ what do you think?" You stood motionless only blinking once or twice at him before giving him and accepted nod. He just smiled at you , his smile was always so warm and inviting. Sadly, you couldn't show the same emotion or feeling back to him. Your mechanical body wouldn't allow it. It was also one of the things you hated the most about being in this body you were nonhuman. 

     Not a single part of your body was believable enough to be human. But for some reason you were different in Antonio's eyes you were special a gift he would never let anything happen to you that's why you two were such a great pair."Well look at the time we have to go." He got his rag and whipped off any left over oil and dirt from the old broken down clock that was there. " Just think ________ after this is finished....Everything will be better." He looked fairly impressed with himself.  

         You still glancing over at him studied the clock . ' Hmm I almost forgot he's been working on that clock for so long now. It's really hard to think that it's almost finished already.' You smiled in your head as you thought. "Hey señorita ready to go?" He smiled holding his hand out at you. You grabbed it and you both walked down the old abandoned clock tower. You both stopped midway by the door.

             Antonio still holding on tightly to your hand. But slowly moved one of his fingers up to his lips. " very silent." You thought that was ironic because you couldn't really say anything. But you gave him a nod to signal that you understood. He nodded back and went to see if everything was alright. You stood looking out a little too but you were also thinking. 
' ....Antonio's been very observant  ever since that law was passed . Machinery and other things were always banned. I wonder why?'.

              You stood thinking There were 2 men with weapons near by but were too busy not paying attention to notice  . Antonio yanked at your hand signaling everything was fine to go. "You go first." He still kept a close watch on the outside and watched you safely walk out the small opening of the door. He slowly followed still having a grab at your hand. "That was close." You both walked quickly away from the tower but not so quick that you two would bring attention to yourselves, Until you both turned the corner and started walking at normal paste. Antonio had a confused look on his face." They usually don't wait near the tower..." 

     He mumbled under his breathe  but still enough that you could hear him. But he was right usually there wasn't anyone waiting near the tower. Even though it was out in the open like that no one would think twice to go near it. No one would want to have anything to do with machines the law was so sticked it had very harsh punishments no one would want or dare to break it. That's why keeping you safe was so important to him. You smiled in your thoughts. "Were almost home." He said with his hand still gripped onto yours.

                                         *****(((Time Skip Of Awesomeness!!)))*****

Cruel Clocks:Clock Maker!Spain x Mechanical!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now