out of time, but you're here

34 3 2

Art By Sarah Abbott


The world has ended.

Giorno knew something was amiss for a while now. Call it his sixth sense, being a Joestar, or a Brando thing, but there was most definitely something going on.

It was confirmed when everything stopped.

As in, there was nothing. The world he knew was no more, and suddenly he found himself standing in the streets of an unknown place, having triggered his stand in a panic when everything disappeared.

What just happened? He absolutely had no idea. Only this vague feeling of that he couldn't go back.

One moment he was wandering around, and the next the streets became filthy and cracked with people dressed as if it were slums. It may very well be, seeing the condition this place was in and the dirt smeared faces of many of the people walking.

...Where was he? England? From the voices of the crowd, the accents sure sounded like it. So.. the slums of England? Did he teleport or something? What happened? Wait, what date is it, exactly?

Giorno glances down at an abandoned newspaper on the ground, skimming it.


Well. That's about 121 years ago. Wonderful.

But, 1880, England? This sort of setting sounds familiar somehow--

Someone runs by.



Giorno manages to keep his surprise down, and doesn't turn to see who's talking. Brando.. Brando is his father's name. Does this mean.. Could this be..

"Damn that kid..!" The voice huffs, seemingly exhausted. It's rough and of an older male.

"What, Dario's kid? Did you get robbed?" Another voice chimes in nearby. Someone of a similar disposition as the first.

"Tch--That kid--Dio--has a pretty face but he'll screw you up good. Looks nothing like his rat of a father, I'll tell you, but is every bit as rotten!"

Giorno's breath halts.

Dio, Dio Brando, 1880, England... His father, his father is here, his father is here and is only a child! His father.. grew up in a place like this? And as rotten as his own father?

He.. really wants to meet him. He wants to meet Dio Brando. He wants to know the person he only knew through stories. Though it's a little different than he hoped for, as Dio's only a child.. That's not enough to find out what kind of person his father was exactly, but it's a start. He can work with that.

Giorno starts breathing again, having found a new goal to strive for. Calm, calm down.. There's work to be done. He has someone he wants to meet.

But first, he needs information. He's in an unfamiliar place in a time much different from his own. It'll take some getting used to, for sure. Everything's changed, so he'll need to start making it all familiar.

It'll take some time, but he's Giorno Giovanna, and when has something like time shenanigans stopped him?

It's not enough.

Dio doesn't have enough money. Honestly, when does he ever? Never, that's when, thanks to that disgusting father..!

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