0.1, tom abisgold

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A/N- This image is inspired by the song 'If You Love Her' which is one of my favourites! Because some of the lyrics are repeated I won't do it for each one but I will put the lyrics in there!

Take it, if she gives you her heart don't you break it

She's had her heart broke too many times now, none of them she deserved. I'm not gonna be the one who brakes it for the last time, I'm going to keep her heart with me and safe, I'm sure about that.

Let your arms be a place she feels safe in

If you don't know already, I'm Tom, Y/n's best friend, but I wish I was more than that. She's round my house because her now ex boyfriend broke her heart, again, so she's sat in my arms. I'm trying to make her feel safe and all that shit, but I'm not sure if it is working.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"This, fuck everything"

She's the best thing that you'll ever have

Even though the other boys mean a lot me, Y/n means more. shit, I would literally die for her because she's my world.

She always has trouble falling asleep

I remember, when we were younger and had sleepovers all time, and I literally mean all the time. I always noticed that she wouldn't fall asleep straight away, she would wait a little while, toss and turn in the bed, and would still be up at midnight.

And she likes to cuddle while under the sheets

Now that we've grown a lot older, she allows me to cuddle her, but only under the bedcovers because it's warmer or some shit including to Y/n.

She loves pop songs and dancing and bad trash TV

She loves the band songs, I say that they are more pop rock, but she thinks that they are definitely pop songs. When we are rehearsing as a band, I always catch her dancing to our songs and the boys say that I smile more or that my eyes glow when I watch her, but it's just because I like the way she expresses herself. She always watches this show called 'The Big Bang Theory' or something and I have to admit, it sucks ok. It's classed as 'bad trash TV' to me anyway.

There's still a few other things. She loves love notes and babies and likes giving gifts

Whenever she comes round to my house to hang out, I always find love notes around my room, I occasionally write some to her, but never give them too her. On any day, not even a holiday or my birthday, she gives me random gifts, and says in the cute voice of her's "I don't want anything back, it's for you!" Whenever my auntie and uncle come round with my baby cousin, she never talks to me, and only pays attention to her.

Has a hard accepting a good compliment



"You look um, really pretty today!"

"Bestie, have you seen me? I never look pretty! Have you se-"

"Shut up, trust me when I say this, you look really pretty today."

"Thanks Tom!"

She loves her whole family and all of her friends

She once told me that her family and friends mean more to her than she herself which is quite a lot if I say so myself.

So if you're the one she lets in

She only lets a certain amount of people in that little trust circle of her's and I'm proud and grateful to be in it.

Take it. If she gives you her heart don't you break it

Her last boyfriend broke her heart when he even promised not to break it! What a dick, am I right!

Let your arms be a place she feels safe in. She's the best thing that you'll ever have

She'll love you if you love her on days when it feels like the whole world might cave in



"I feel really sad today. any chance if I can get one of your 'I love you' hugs?"

"Yeah, of course, no need to ask!"

Stand side by side and you'll make it

"I will always be here, standing with you, if you need me, ok Y/n?"

"Ok Tom, thank you for everything."

She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you if you love her like that

Kiss her with passion, as much as you can

When we hug, I always give her a forehead kiss, in a friendly way, because that's all I will ever be, a friend. I try to do it every time we hug which is daily for us now.

Run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad

When she's sad, it's weird because she always seems to find comfort in me running my hands or even stroking her hair, I guess actions speak louder than words.

And when she doesn't notice how pretty she is, tell her over and over so she never forgets

I'm taking her to the movies just to hang out and wow, she looks pretty.

"Woah, you look p-pretty."

"What, Tom no I don't this is wh-"

"Y/n, you look pretty, trust me."

Take it, if she gives you her heart don't you break it. Let your arms be a place she feels safe in, she's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you if you love her on days when it feels like the whole world might cave in. Stand side by side and you'll make it. She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you if you love her like that. She'll love you if you love her like that.

"She'll love me if I love her like that."

She'll love you if you love her like that

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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